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Health: registration of more than 2 million citizens in the insurance system in the governorates of the first stage

Dr. Hala Zayed, Minister of Health and Population, announced the registration of more than 2 million citizens in the comprehensive health insurance system in the governorates of the first stage, which includes Port Said, Ismailia, Suez, South Sinai, Luxor and Aswan, since the system was launched in July 2019 in Port Said Governorate, and in the first of October of the same year in the rest of the governorates of the first stage.

Dr. Khaled Mujahid, Advisor to the Minister of Health and Population for Media Affairs and the official spokesperson of the ministry, explained that the number of those joining the system is constantly increasing, as the number of registered in the Ismailia Governorate reached 525,466 citizens, and Suez Governorate 129,114 citizens, adding that the Luxor Governorate has reached the number of citizens in the system to 477778 Citizens, Aswan Governorate has 300,338 citizens, while South Sinai Governorate has 34,712 citizens.

For his part, Dr. Ahmed Al-Subki, Assistant Minister for Monitoring and Follow-up Affairs and Director of the Comprehensive Health Insurance Project, stated that the number of those enrolled in Port Said Governorate reached 548616 citizens, noting that more than 2 million, 16 thousand and 24 family files have been opened in the six first-stage governorates.

He pointed out that the great interest of citizens to register in the new health insurance system comes within the framework of the citizen’s confidence in his political leadership, which works to overcome any obstacles that the project can face to ensure the provision of a distinguished medical service to the Egyptian citizen according to the highest standards of medical services.

Al-Sobky stressed that comprehensive health insurance is a national project that unites all efforts and sectors of the state to ensure its success and achieve social and health safety for the Egyptian citizen, in order to achieve President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi’s strategy for building the Egyptian person and seeing Egypt 2030.

He continued that the Ministry of Health and Population is keen to reach out to all citizens to educate them about the system and encourage them to register and open the family file through multiple awareness initiatives commensurate with the demographic and geographical nature of each province.

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