Van den Bergh calls the postponement demotivating, but he thinks it is good that the relaxation has been postponed indefinitely and that there is no new date. Otherwise, we run the risk of another postponement, and it is always more frustrating that announced easing is being postponed than that it has not been given those prospects.
He reiterated that the psychology and corona working group he is part of has always said that it is not wise to announce easing and link them to a date, but that it is better to link them to an epidemiological condition, at a certain level. of infections and hospital admissions.
“Everyone is sick of it, of course, that is clear” said Van den Bergh and in order to motivate people it is important, according to him, that objectives are set, and also intermediate goals that we can monitor whether we are moving towards them or not.
To do this, people must receive sufficient information, but the health psychologist believes that we should not bother people all the time with all kinds of communication, but that it is important that concrete information is provided. He said that it is necessary to state in concrete terms what we do not do as well now as we were a long time ago, and it must be ensured that people can see from clear graphs what the consequences are when we behave in a certain way, and what it does. the consequence is when we behave differently. That way people could think along in what-if scenarios.
According to Van den Bergh, there is also a need for more coaching communication, in which we are regularly guided towards concrete intermediate goals and a final goal. The Prime Minister or the Minister of Health, together with some experts, should regularly inform people about where we are now and where we are going, which contamination levels we can handle and which not.