Home » today » Health » Health proposes to destroy 90,000 vaccines about to expire that Madrid asked to donate

Health proposes to destroy 90,000 vaccines about to expire that Madrid asked to donate

The government he has donated about 10 million doses and has reserved 2 million for refugees. The latter has been announced by President Pedro Sánchez this Monday. However, the Prime Minister has not made a public mention so far from Indication of the Ministry of Health to the autonomous communities to destroy the vaccines about to expire.

Official sources of the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid confirm Vozpópuli that at least 90,000 Janssen vaccines and AstraZeneca They will be thrown away due to the refusal of the Sánchez Government to donate them. The Madrid’s community report that these vaccines would not expire if the Ministry of Health had not “bet only on Pfizer, without allowing the vaccinations with AstraZeneca or Janssen to continue, indicating second doses with mRNA vaccines (Pfizer or Moderna) to citizens who received “the adenovirus vaccines.

Total, they will expire at around 100,000 doses in the region that governs Isabel Díaz Ayuso, of which 90% are from Janssen and AstraZeneca. The Council that directs Enrique Ruiz Escudero placeholder image has also been critical of the decision of the Public Health Commission last October 26.

On that date, those vaccinated with Janssen were approved to be vaccinated with a second dose of mRNA (Pfizer or Moderna), rather than with a dose from the same manufacturer. In addition, it was agreed not to administer more first doses of Janssen, “despite its proven effectiveness.”

The Government of Isabel Díaz Ayusó presented to the Ministry of Health the return of vaccines that remained in storage and could run the risk of expiring for your possible donation. The Ministry of Carolina Darias, said sources, he rejected this possibility, and told the Madrid Executive to destroy the doses “as other autonomous communities were already doing.”

This reaction from Health contrasts with the public response provided by the Executive to the deputy of the PNV, Josune Gorospe, where they point out that their “intention is that there is no vaccine that is wasted beyond those strictly necessary to ensure the normal flow of a vaccination campaign of this magnitude. “In this sense,” the percentage of vaccines that cannot be used out of the total volume of received is negligible. This is complemented by the donation and resale of vaccines to third parties.“.

The Madrid Ministry of Health considers that “the Ministry of Health, as the supplier of all the covid-19 vaccines that the Autonomous Communities receive, should have also foreseen in its strategy as a donor country the donation of Janssen doses, as already did with AstraZeneca, especially when the Ministry of Health itself raises only one heterologous vaccination with mRNA vaccines for those situations“.

Health has only donated AstraZeneca vaccines

The Ministry of Health has refused to respond to the Vox Parliamentary Group by the number of expired coronavirus vaccines in the autonomous communities. This is clear from the responses provided by the Government published in the Official Gazette of the Cortes Generales. What he has answered, for the first time, in a more detailed way, is on the amount of doses donated to third countries.

This question had been asked on other occasions by PP and Vox, but the answer has never been as detailed as the one offered to Jon Iñarritu, deputy of eh Bildu. In its response, the Government acknowledges that “all donated vaccines are from AstraZeneca.”

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As can be seen, apart from the many donations already made, the Government has committed 1,809,600 vaccines AstraZeneca with Nicaragua, Argentina, Paraguay and Guatemala. The country with the most pending doses to come is Argentina, with 842,400 doses, followed by Nicaragua, with 499,200, Paraguay, with 316,800, and Guatemala with 151,200.

The rest of the vaccines have already reached their destination, the largest being one of 957,600 to Colombia that was already advanced by this newspaper. In the parliamentary response, the Executive recognizes that, apart from the United Nations mechanism (Covax), 400,000 doses have been donated, bilaterally to Argentina, 100,000 to Honduras and 120,000 to Mauritania.

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