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Responding to the viral news coverage in several media lately, the authorities really deserve to be addressed. Namely related to the finding of ingredients in the form of red powder which are suspected of being mixed in the composition for making brown sugar (cooking sugar), where these materials are used for food coloring and are very dangerous to health.
Even though it is clearly written on the plastic packaging, that ‘It is Prohibited to Use for Medicine and Food’.

There were complaints from members of the public, which prompted Agus Chepy Kurniadi, as General Manager of Online Media, immediately instructed its members, to immediately conduct a search (pulbaket) in the field. As a result, through Mulyadi Tanjung (Buyung), who is also the Editorial Board of Online Media found many irregularities.
Investigation Team also, on Sunday (29/1/23) conducted a field search, namely to several places of processed brown sugar home industry located in Cimrutu Village, Patimuan District, Cilacap Regency.
During the search, the Team found one of the brown sugar mixtures in the form of a black liquid that was packaged in several buckets of used wall paint packaging, where the brand name of the liquid was not listed.
“Questionable fluid. Because it was processed in a bucket of used wall paint that was faded and dirty. So, what food or drug company is this black liquid produced from? Meanwhile, the composition of the black liquid is not yet clear,” said Buyung.

Ironically, when questioned several business actors producing processed brown sugar, they tended to provide different information. Some say the black liquid is BS sugar liquid (failed sugar, ed), some say it’s liquid soy sauce factory waste, some say it’s liquid sugar factory waste, and some say cane sugar essence. So it was concluded, their statements regarding the black mixture varied, none of which was accurate.
“It’s a pity, they don’t know what content is in the black liquid?” Buyung said.
Again the team questioned one of the owners of processed brown sugar, namely about the black liquid that was mixed as a processed ingredient, and the effects of the production which is consumed by many people.
Their answers also varied.
Some say follow along with fellow sugar cooks. There are also those who only receive goods in the form of raw materials supplied from the dealer, then cooked. And after it becomes brown sugar, it is distributed again to collectors in each city. Pity…!!!

Again mentioned about the existence of permits or socialization from the relevant agencies? Some of them said that they had been visited by the Joint Health Service (Dinkes) from Cilacap Regency. But there are also those that have never been touched, let alone visited and equipped with processing technical matters.
“Even though it is known that what they produce is not on a small scale. In fact, the production of processed sugar has reached tons per day. Weird isn’t it..?” Buyung said.
“The brown sugar they produce is for food. Eaten and enter the human body. When we consume goods whose substances are unclear, it will certainly be detrimental to the health of those who consume them,” he said.
“We don’t blame the entrepreneurs who produce brown sugar, because on average they only know how to cook and produce from raw materials supplied from each dealer (bos). Meanwhile, the dealers who supply it pay less attention, let alone train the members of the brown sugar cookers,” he explained.
Wasikin, one of the processed brown sugar entrepreneurs, who is also the coordinator of the association, when confirmed, only hoped for attention from the authorities, to immediately carry out coaching. “So that we cooks of processed brown sugar will make it easier to get permits (legality) and test the feasibility of consuming processed sugar that we produce from the local BPOM,” he hoped.
Again Buyung said; “We will encourage the authorities to immediately take steps, so that the continuity of brown sugar production continues to exist, making it a mainstay product. And as it should be, these business actors are provided with guidance from experts as their companions. Because the brown sugar home industry is not new to the Cilacap area. This business has been going on for years,” he said.
The question; how far has the guidance and supervision carried out by the relevant parties regarding the feasibility of consuming processed brown sugar products?
“Because we haven’t found on the brown sugar packaging the permission of the Ministry of Health, and BPOM registration. So that it is clear, the content in the composition of brown sugar is made of what ingredients? Because what we see from the packaging in plastic containing 5 and 10 kg, there are branded ones, but there are also plain ones,” he explained.
“More worryingly,
most of the brown sugar entrepreneurs do not have a certificate of proper consumption test issued by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM). So, how far has the Central Java Department of Health, Environment and BPOM supervised the guidance and supervision?” he closed. (Team)