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Health Office: During January, 31 Pekanbaru residents had dengue fever

The rainy season cycle at the beginning of the year has triggered an increase in dengue cases in early 2022

Pekanbaru (ANTARA) – The Pekanbaru City Health Service stated that entering the rainy season during January 2022, 31 people in the capital city of Riau Province have been attacked by dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF).

“The rainy season, which is punctuated by heat, needs to be watched out for because it is a soft medium for the breeding of the ‘Aedes Agepty’ mosquito that causes DHF,” said Pekanbaru City Health Office Head Dr Zaini Rizaldi Saragih in Pekanbaru, Friday.

He said the rainy season cycle at the beginning of the year had triggered an increase in dengue cases in early 2022. Usually it would rain at the end of the year.

“So that it is only entering the third week of January 2022, there are already many cases,” he said.

This condition, he said, needs to be watched out for by all people so that they continue to apply the Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS) and maintain environmental cleanliness by implementing 3 M plus, namely draining the bath once or twice a day, closing water reservoirs and stockpiling used goods in the form of containers and plus it uses abate powder and mosquito repellent.

“The culture of mutual cooperation in the neighborhood needs to be encouraged to clean up puddles that appear when it rains,” he said.

He detailed of the 31 cases of dengue fever, most were in Marpoyan Damai District, there were six people, Bukit Raya Lina people, Payung Sekaki five, Then Tuah Madani five, Senapelan three, Tenayan Raya three, Rumbai two, Sukajadi one, and Bina Widya one.

“Meanwhile, for Pekanbaru City, Fifty, Sail, Kulim, West Rumbai and East Rumbai sub-districts, so far there are no dengue cases,” he said.

The Health Office continues to emphasize cases of DHF through education and socialization of environmental hygiene to the community in every puskesmas, said Zaini Rizaldi Saragih.

Also read: During the COVID-19 pandemic, DHF in Pekanbaru-Riau reached 112 cases

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Reporter: Vera Luciana
Editor: Andi Jauhary

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