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Health Net “Prevention of Sarcopenia Dietitian: Eat Leucine Foods Quickly-Free Health Net


Nutritionists said that if the cause of sarcopenia is malnutrition, it is necessary to actively supplement the required nutrients, such as leucine foods, such as eggs, beans, fish, and meat, which can promote muscle growth and enhance sports performance. (picture taken from freepik)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]According to statistics from the National Health Administration, the prevalence rate of sarcopenia in Taiwan over the age of 65 is 23.6% for men and 18.6% for women, and modern people often focus on how to lose weight, but ignore sarcopenia disease. In this regard, nutritionist Liu Fuxuan said that if the cause of sarcopenia is malnutrition, it is necessary to actively supplement the required nutrients, such as leucine foods, such as eggs, beans, fish, and meat, which can promote muscle growth and enhance sports performance .

Liu Fuxuan’s Facebook page “Liu Fuxuan nutritionist“The article pointed out that sarcopenia will make the body’s sense of balance and stability decrease. Even young people, without enough muscle support, cannot maintain the correct posture. It is back pain, osteoporosis, and degeneration of the knee joints. It is really not to be careless.

Leucine Promotes Muscle Growth and Enhances Athletic Performance

Liu Fuxuan said that if sarcopenia is caused by dietary malnutrition, it is necessary to actively supplement the required nutrients, so high-quality protein is indispensable, because leucine is the most important protein to help muscles synthesize, it can promote muscle growth and strengthen muscles. Sports performance, but because the human body cannot synthesize it by itself, it needs to be supplemented by food, such as eggs, beans, fish, and meat. Foods are rich in protein. Whether you are a sarcopenic patient or not, you should have a balanced intake.

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