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“Health Net” is the fault of starch?Medical help redress: eating right can make you healthy and thin-Lohas Diet-Free Health Net


If you can eat good starch at the right time, it will actually help you lose weight. (Data photo)

[Health Channel/Comprehensive Report]Starch is like a devil for most people who want to control their posture. As long as they eat starch in their diet, they will feel guilty, and even attribute the main cause of obesity to starch. In this regard, the doctor said, In fact, starch has always been a scapegoat. The main cause of obesity is not eating starch, but “eating the wrong starch.”

Xiao Jiejian, attending physician for weight management at Sanshu Orioles Clinic, is on Facebook fanXiao JiejianThe article pointed out that in recent years, the trend of low-sugar and ketogenic diets has become more and more popular. In addition to the various information on weight-loss diets on the Internet, many people see starch as if they see a ghost. Although the short-term weight loss effect of not eating starch is Good, but weight will soon stagnate. He also mentioned that some people find that the effect is not effective after quitting starch, and they start fasting more extreme, sometimes even eating one meal a day, which simply makes people live better. It’s hard work.

Xiao Jiejian mentioned that if you eat the right starch, you can lose weight while eating, and it is even a great help for weight loss. He pointed out that after the starch is eaten, the body will secrete insulin for digestion, and the starch will eventually It becomes glycogen storage, and the water on the digested starch will synthesize glycogen, but glycogen is very heavy, so the weight will increase the next day after eating starch, but the increase in weight does not mean gaining weight, let alone body fat loss However, if too much starch is consumed for a long time, the space for storing glycogen in the body will be overloaded, the starch will be converted into fat and stored, which may lead to fatty liver, obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndrome and other diseases.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight and take care of your health, controlling starch intake and gaining muscle are the only two choices, because muscle gain can increase the space for storing glycogen. Besides the right amount of starch to eat, you must also choose good starch, No matter how good the time is to eat, you can lose weight and ensure your health. Xiao Jiejian pointed out that before aerobic exercise, after weight training, and noon, it is the best time to ingest starch.

Before aerobic exercise

Aerobic exercise will burn a certain proportion of glycogen and fat, but if you do not take in starch beforehand, it will cause your body to burn muscles, which will worsen your metabolism and make it easier to gain weight. Xiao Jiejian recommends that if you have to do it for more than 30 minutes For aerobic exercise, you must eat starch beforehand or at least the meal before exercise; for more than one hour of aerobic exercise, it is best to supplement 30 grams of glucose solution every hour during exercise to avoid muscle loss.


The starch ingested after heavy training can help muscle growth. (Taken from freepik)

After weight training

Muscle tissue after weight training needs energy very much. Whey protein, chicken legs, sweet potatoes, etc. can increase muscle mass and metabolism. At this time, starch can also be used to grow muscles without causing fat accumulation. Xiao Jiejian mentioned, no Few people are entangled with “the secretion of insulin stimulated by eating starch”, but insulin is a very important hormone for maintaining body functions. It is not only synthetic fat, it can also release absorption and synthesis signals to promote muscle growth.


Xiao Jiejian pointed out that when you wake up in the morning, if you don’t feel hungry, you can take in protein and good oil to keep your body burning fat; and studies have confirmed that fat, eggs, and chicken breasts have low insulin stimulation and will not interrupt fat burning. Therefore, it is better to take starch when you are hungry at noon. However, if you feel hungry in the morning, your blood sugar may be low. At this time, you still need to take in proper starch to prevent your metabolism from falling.

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