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Health: Monkeypox can be prevented…it infects anyone…and most cases are cured

Hossam Abdel Ghaffar, spokesman for the Ministry of Health and Population, confirmed that monkeypox disease can be prevented and most infected cases recover completely, but in some cases the injuries can be serious..

And Dr. Hossam Abdel Ghaffar continued, in statements today on Monday: “Monkeypox can infect anyone, but most of the infections in the current epidemic are among men.

Dr Hossam Abdel-Ghaffar added: ‘Monkeypox can be infected through direct contact with an infected person through direct contact with the infected person and normal face-to-face contact through speech, coughing, sneezing or breathing and contaminated clothing, blankets, towels, surfaces and tools of the infected person.”

He continued: “Monkeypox infection usually leads to a painful rash and blistering on the palm of the hand. While cases have historically been characterized by a rash over large parts of the body, the cases in the current spread mostly including people who had a small number of rashes around the genitals.” or anus“.

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