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Health Minister: Mask requirement continues to apply nationwide

IIn the fight against the Corona crisis, the mask requirement will continue to apply in Germany for the time being – also in retail. The 16 health ministers of the states agreed on Monday, as the German press agency learned from participants after a switching conference between the state department heads and Federal Health Minister Jens Spahn (CDU). The reason given was that the wrong impression should not be created that the pandemic was over. Previously, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had given a clear rejection of the lifting of the mask requirement in shops – with the support of the party leadership of the CDU, CSU and SPD.

“Wherever the minimum distance cannot be guaranteed in public life, masks are an important and, from today’s point of view, indispensable means,” said government spokesman Steffen Seibert in Berlin. This is necessary to keep the number of infections low and to protect other people and yourself. “So: whether on the bus, in the subway or in retail, it should remain the duty to wear masks.”

Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania’s Minister of Economic Affairs, Harry Glawe (CDU), suggested that the mask requirement be lifted for his country in the “Welt am Sonntag”. Almost without exception, he received negative reactions for this advance.

Seibert added that it is important to keep it now during the holiday season. “Even regions that may now have very low case numbers are now getting inflows from other parts of the country.” The new mobility is to be welcomed. “But it must go hand in hand with observing the rules that have served us so well in the fight against this pandemic in the past few months, namely distance, hygiene rules and, where necessary, mandatory masking.”

The leadership of the CDU argued similarly. “Corona is not on vacation,” said General Secretary Paul Ziemiak after the last video consultations before the summer break. The presidium and board of the CDU are unanimously of the opinion that, despite the positive development of the corona infection situation in Germany, there is no reason to abandon the mask requirement or the requirement to keep your distance. “Wearing a mask is sexy,” said Ziemiak.

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