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Health Magazine | When the thyroid goes wrong

Together, they affect just under 5% of the population. Hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism are therefore frequent diseases, which tend to affect women.

But first of all: what is the thyroid for? Controlled by TSH, a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland, this gland is used to make other hormones from iodine in food: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3).

These hormones contribute to the general good functioning of the body: growth and development of bones, functioning of the heart, temperature regulation, good digestion, muscle tone, etc.

It therefore sometimes happens that this gland becomes out of order.

In the case of hyperthyroidism like hypothyroidism, an autoimmune disease is often the main cause: Graves’ disease for the first, Hashimoto’s disease for the second.

The thyroid then works either too much or not enough, and this results in a combination of characteristic symptoms.

Hyper or hypo?

When the thyroid hormones get carried away, we logically speak of hyperthyroidism: metabolic processes are accelerated and can produce effects such as fatigue, nervousness, palpitations, insomnia, disturbances in concentration, tremors, weight loss, muscle weakness, frequent bowel movements or diarrhea.

It can also cause the eye to protrude. – increased volume of the thyroid gland, may develop.

The appearance of a goiter is also possible when you suffer from hypothyroidism and hormone underproduction.

Here, the metabolism and vital functions are slowed down: it can lead to fatigue, slowness, problems with concentration, depression, a slowing of the heart rate, weight gain, dry skin, chilliness, muscle pain, menstrual problems, constipation …

Radioactive iodine and levothyroxine

It is your doctor who, after anamnesis and palpation, can establish a link between your symptoms and a possible thyroid problem.

This will be confirmed or not by a blood test, to measure the TSH dosage: it will be high in case of hypothyroidism and low in case of hyperthyroidism.

A thyroid scan can be performed to confirm the results of the analyzes.

Then comes the treatment: if you suffer from hyperthyroidism, you will be treated with drugs blocking the production of thyroid hormones or with radioactive iodine.

This iodine will permanently neutralize the overactive gland. If nodules have appeared on the thyroid, it will be removed through surgery.

In the case of hypothyroidism, replacement thyroid hormones are prescribed, such as levothyroxine.

Several attempts are often necessary before finding the right dosage, which you will have to take daily and for life.

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