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Health Magazine | More than 10 sexual partners in his life would increase the risk of cancer

“Few studies have examined the impact of the number of sexual partners on health,” note Canadian researchers *.

To fill this gap, they interviewed 2,537 men and 3,185 women, aged 64 years on average, about the number of partners they have had in their lives. The participants also informed about their possible health problems.

Compared to women who reported 0 or 1 sexual partner, those who reported having 10 or more were twice as likely to develop cancer.

Among men, those who reported 2 to 4 sexual partners were more likely (57%) to have been diagnosed with a tumor. And this compared to those who have known only one (or no) story. And for those who reported more than 10 adventures, the risk was increased by 69%.

The impact of papillomaviruses

This is an observational study published in the journal BMJ Sexual & Reproductive Health. It is therefore difficult to establish a cause and effect link. The authors also did not obtain information on specific types of cancer. But according to them “this increased risk could be caused by certain well-known sexually transmitted infections”.

We are thinking here of course of human papillomaviruses, HPVs. Some types of HPV are known to increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer, including cancers of the anus, cervix, penis, vulva, vagina, and head and neck .

According to recent estimates, more than 5% of all cancers are attributed to HPV.

* University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Mc Master University in Hamilton (Ontario), University of Toronto.

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