Paul Leboulanger – published on
03.31.21 at 10:29 am
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In France, nearly 3 million people over the age of 75 are still not vaccinated. To help those who have not managed to make an appointment, the Health Insurance is deploying a support system.
“Go To”: this has nothing to do with Saint-Etienne supporters, it is the name of a Health Insurance program to include seniors over 75 in the vaccination process. In this context, from next week, a telephone number will be open to answer unvaccinated elderly patients.
In parallel with this system, the Health Insurance will cross-reference its data to list the seniors who have not yet come forward to have an appointment. A large-scale appeals operation will ensue. “This phoning system has already been carried out with precarious elderly people, in certain territories, explains Thomas Fâtome, director of the CNAM. The idea is to extend this device to the whole of France. “
Go from 50% to 80% of seniors vaccinated
An operation all the more essential as these people over 75 are often in favor of vaccination. Thomas Fâtome explains as follows: “They sometimes tell us that they intended to get the vaccine, but later, or that they gave up because of lack of available slots. Our appeal often causes a click, we experience very few refusals ”.
The CNAM is confident in the success of the Aller Vers scheme, due to the success of previous operations of the same type. The rate of people over 75 years of age vaccinated in Seine-Saint-Denis, for example, has caught up with that observed in the rest of France, at around 50%. As a reminder (without a bad pun), Emmanuel Macron wants to increase to 80% of those over 75 vaccinated.
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