Media people had the opportunity to see first-hand the ongoing construction of health care infrastructure on December 21, 2023. These are the reference university hospital center of Bobo and the district hospital of Karangasso- Vigué.
The visit of the media to the construction site of the Bobo university hospital center began with a meeting with the managers and technicians working on the said construction site. It served as a framework to enlighten the group of journalists on details concerning the construction of the building. It appears that it is a Chinese Aid project with the Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene as the project owner. It began on February 9, 2022 and should be handed over on March 8, 2025. It costs more than 60 billion FCFA with a capacity of 500 beds.
The general progress rate of the work was 62% as of December 21, 2023. The guided tour led by Olivier Sanou, project manager for the construction of the new Bobo University Hospital, allowed today’s visitors to see this progress of the works. works. They also visited the concrete plant and the laboratory installed on the site by the technicians for quality and optimized work. Ultimately, this infrastructure will help to relieve the populations, especially the western zone which lacks high-level health infrastructure, Olivier Sanou will say. He adds that with this hospital, medical evacuations will be reduced because it will be equipped with a quality technical platform. As for the lifespan of the infrastructure, it will depend on the maintenance that will be done once delivered, specifies Olivier Sanou.
A district hospital under construction in Karangasso-Vigue

Earlier in the morning, the group of journalists was in the rural commune of Karangasso-Vigué in the Houet province, Hauts-Bassins region, approximately 58 km from Bobo-Dioulasso, on the R20. There, a district hospital is gradually emerging. It will be made up of seven departments including an administration, a pharmacy, emergencies, a maternity ward, a surgery, anesthesia and resuscitation room.
The work is estimated at a 41.26% execution rate as of December 20, 2023, according to Gaston Béogo, coordinator of the construction project of the Karangasso-Vigué district hospital. This hospital center will undoubtedly relieve the populations of the town and surrounding areas, because it is a more elaborate health offer which will be made available to these populations, maintains Gaston Béogo. The cost of building the Karangasso-Vigué district hospital is 2 billion 760 million FCFA and will be equipped to the tune of 800 million FCFA, Gaston Béogo tells us.
Abdoul-Karim Etienne SANON