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Health in crisis: the system that does not hold up

TURIN. The Piedmont is still waiting to know its fate, hanging on the parameters decided by the government that should place it in the “red zone”, the most at risk and subject to the toughest grip. And in this uncertainty, like Lombardy, it tries one last way out. If yesterday the entry into force of the Prime Minister’s decree was postponed, it is also because yet another clash took place between Rome and the regions, where the territories targeted by the squeeze have reported the most recent data on the index of contagion – Rt – which would be slightly improving. A scenario that the ministry experts do not confirm.

In the case of Piedmont from 2.16, the highest figure in Italy, at 1.91. However, a negative parameter and a strong risk index, but below the 2 threshold and that’s where a piece of the game is being played. However, in the case of Piedmont, it is also decided on other items: one on all the situation of the hospitals, yes without a doubt very critical.

The death toll rose to 4,481 yesterday, with 37 new deaths confirmed. And the number of ICU patients rose to 233, twenty more than the previous day. We are in the middle of the peak of April, those 450 intubated who had brought our health to its knees. But it is ordinary hospitalizations that are even more alarming: now there are 3,525, yesterday’s leap marks more 146. People in home isolation are instead 37,819.

The contagion race also continues: with the 3,577 cases recorded yesterday, the total account rises to 81,409, of which 41,577 are currently positive. Of yesterday’s cases 1,567 (44%) are asymptomatic. Homes for the elderly are beginning to worry in which yesterday 297 infections were recorded while 371 were counted in schools.
There is room only in Mondovì and Arona to make swabs

“We need to buy time, change the approach on some aspects and trust in the closures that are coming, hoping to lower the epidemic curve just enough to allow the health system to breathe”. So yesterday explained Professor Di Perri, head of infectious diseases at the Amedeo di Savoia hospital.

The closures refer to government decisions. The change of pace, decided in a meeting called yesterday in the Region, with Cirio and Councilor Icardi present, refers not only to taking charge of Covid patients at home but to “contact tracing”. More precisely to the swabs, pivot of the tracing of the infections, made more and more prohibitive by the exponential increase in requests and by the difficulty of the Piedmontese laboratories in charge of analyzing them.

Hence the decision to focus on rapid tampons, less reliable than molecular ones but easier and precisely faster, reserving the traditional (molecular) ones for fronts considered priority. For example, screening to secure the health personnel in charge of running wards and emergency rooms. In short: the rapid test, which can now also be performed in general practitioners’ offices, will replace the molecular one on a large scale. Knowing that, explains Professor Ferruccio Fazio, head of the regional task force set up to strengthen the network of territorial medicine, the molecular swab will still have to be done if the quick one is successful.
Meanwhile, chaos reigns supreme. It is difficult and often impossible for family doctors and pediatricians who are now authorized to book tampons directly for their patients to find slots, that is, free dates for appointments. “Last night there were only two pit stops available in all of Piedmont, precisely in Mondovì and Arona, and only for 5 November”, a general practitioner vented Tuesday evening after connecting to the Covid platform. «I tried for 6 of my patients, the answer is always“ no date available for the selected hotspot ”- a colleague vented -. Patients, rightly from their point of view, take it out on us ». Others have found an available hotspot in Domodossola: not really a trip from for those who should move from Turin.
And this, net of the other problems reported by doctors and pediatricians. The spies of a system, the tracking of infections, overall in trouble. If not skipped, as some observers claim. Another variation of an emergency that is exhausting Piedmont.

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