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Health – hygiene tips for the carnival final sprint

mp Gro-Gerau – Even if the mood sloshes up: A few hygiene tips should be followed. Paul-Georg Meister / pixelio.de

Not only the carnival is approaching its peak. Colds with cough and runny nose or the real flu are also in high season. That is why it is important to comply with simple hygiene rules in the fool’s final sprint, according to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA)

Not only the carnival is approaching its peak. Colds with cough and runny nose or the real flu are also in high season. For this reason, following simple hygiene rules is important in the fool’s final sprint, according to the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA): Compliance with the so-called cough and sneeze labels and regular and thorough hand washing can prevent infection.

“Anyone who suffers from a respiratory infection spreads pathogens through tiny droplets in their environment when coughing and sneezing,” says Dr. med. Heidrun Thaiss, the head of the BZgA. “These can then be inhaled by other people and cause an illness.” But pathogens caused by so-called smear infections could also be spread through hands and shared objects such as glasses, drinkers and grab handles.

Here are six BZgA hygiene tips for the carnival season:

– When coughing and sneezing, use a disposable handkerchief and then dispose of it. Keep your distance from others and turn away.

– If no handkerchief is at hand, sneeze into the crook of your arm or cough.

– Only drink from your own glass and use your own cutlery.

– Do not use make-up utensils such as lipsticks together.

– Wash your hands regularly with soap, especially after using the toilet, before eating, after cleaning your nose and when you come home.

– With unwashed hands, do not touch the face, especially the mouth, eyes or nose, or touch any food.

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