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Health – Freiburg im Breisgau – political scientist: AfD wants to capitalize on corona protest – health

Freiburg (dpa / lsw) – According to an expert, the AfD is trying to capitalize on the actions of vaccine opponents and to establish itself as their spearhead. “The party wants to attract parts of the protest scene through criticism of the elite,” said the Freiburg political scientist Michael Wehner of the German press agency. The AfD takes up the dissatisfaction of the people with the Corona politics and the criticism of alleged attacks by state institutions in order to be able to present itself as the mouthpiece of the people and to gain votes. The party wants to infiltrate the scene and steer it in the desired direction.

Thousands of people demonstrated against the corona measures at several locations in the southwest over the weekend. On Saturday, the AfD held a rally against compulsory vaccinations in Göppingen – among others with the head of the AfD parliamentary group, Alice Weidel.

The FPÖ in Austria is showing how to take the street protest into parliament and to profit from it politically, said Wehner, who is the branch manager of the state center for political education. The origin of the vaccine opponents is very heterogeneous. “Some go from left to right and vice versa.”

So the vaccination opponents in the east joined the AfD, in the west rather left currents such as the “lateral thinkers”. He named the anthroposophists, who mainly live in Baden-Württemberg, as another group on the critical scene. “Anyone who rejects science and conventional medicine and trusts the body’s ability to heal itself has a major problem with compulsory vaccination.” Wehner emphasized that when a society is in dire straits, individual interests should not be placed above the common good, respect and solidarity.

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