Arab creators who have been absent since their departure.. Disputes that have reached the corridors of the courts and health, family and art crises.. Here are the most important of them in 2022.
Egyptian artist, Sherine Abdel Wahab has been the star of crises and meltdowns throughout the year 2022, if you will.
The separation of Yasmine Sabry and Nisreen Tafesh.
Health crises worried fans of George Wassouf and Angham.
The controversies reached the corridors of the courts between Myriam Fares, Fares Karam, Elissa and Ziad Burji.
The resignation of Hani Shaker from the position of captain of the musical professions, artistic crises, controversies and the cancellation of the concerts of Muhammad Ramadan, Saad Lamjarred and Heba Tawaji.
Arab creators are absent this year.