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Health – Dresden – Astrazeneca in Saxony only for people over 60 – health

March 30, 2021, 10:44 p.m.

Health – Dresden:Astrazeneca in Saxony only for people over 60

An employee of a vaccination center holds an ampoule with the corona vaccine from the manufacturer Astrazeneca in his hand. Photo: Robert Michael / dpa-Zentralbild / dpa / Symbolbild (Photo: dpa)

Directly from the dpa news channel

Dresden (dpa / sn) – Saxony will usually only use the Astrazeneca corona vaccine from this Wednesday on people aged 60 and over. The state is implementing a unanimous decision of the Conference of Health Ministers (GMK) of the federal and state governments, the Ministry of Health announced on Tuesday evening. The background is cases of blood clots (thromboses) in cerebral veins.

“We take the reports of complications very seriously,” said Saxony’s Minister of Health, Petra Köpping (SPD), according to the statement. The affected age group will be offered “a different vaccine from this Wednesday, the appointments can take place”. At the same time, however, the following still applies: Astrazeneca is a highly effective vaccine that protects very well against the course of serious disease.

All appointments agreed for Wednesday (March 31st) could take place, emphasized Köpping. Affected people who are younger than 60 years should be offered a vaccination with the preparation from Moderna or Biontech. Appointments with Astrazeneca that have already been agreed for people over 60 are in effect. From April 1st, all agreed vaccination appointments in the around a dozen vaccination centers will initially be carried out with the vaccines from Moderna or Biontech – regardless of age or gender.

The decision of the conference of health ministers also provides that federal states can already vaccinate 60 to 69 year olds with Astrazeneca. Saxony was preparing this, it was said.

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