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Health distributed more than 3.5 million flu vaccines

(Photo Pepe Delloro)

A total of 3,685,840 doses of the flu vaccine distributed by the Ministry of Health of the Nation to all the provinces, health institutions and the PAMI, one month after the launch of the 2022 flu vaccination campaign and before the advancement of the circulation of the influenza virus, the ministry reported.

“This year the circulation of the influenza virus came early, which is why we substantially accelerated the distribution of flu vaccines, to progress with vaccination before the arrival of the most intense cold weather and protect the most vulnerable from serious complications,” he stressed. the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti.

He also explained that “the flu vaccine can be applied together with any other vaccine on the National Vaccination Calendar, as well as with those of Covid-19”.

The flu or influenza is a highly contagious respiratory viral disease and usually most of those affected recover in one or two weeks without the need for medical treatment, but it can cause serious complicationsincluding death, to people aged 65 and over, the ministry said.

“The flu vaccine can be applied together with any other vaccine on the National Vaccination Calendar, as well as with those of Covid-19Carla Vizzotti

It can also cause serious harm to young children, pregnant women and people with chronic diseases or conditions, such as heart, respiratory, kidney, immunosuppression, obesity and diabetes.

The national portfolio acquired 9,600,000 doses, of which 1,500,000 are pediatric, with the aim of reducing complications, hospitalizations, and deaths related to the influenza virus in the population at risk in Argentina.

The annual dose of the flu vaccine is available free of charge for health personnel, as well as for people aged 2 to 64 with risk conditions such as obesity, diabetes, respiratory diseases and chronic heart diseases, congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies, onco-haematological patients, transplant patients or people with chronic kidney failure on dialysis.

Likewise, for people 65 years of age or older, for pregnant women in any trimester of pregnancy, and puerperal women, up to 10 days after delivery.

Meanwhile, girls and boys from 6 to 24 months, if it is the first time they are vaccinated, they should receive two doses.

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