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Health check-up and screenings | My Disability Journey

On-demand, non-prescription STI screening

An STI is a sexually transmitted infection, transmitted during sexual intercourse, with or without penetration.

As of September 1, 2024, screening at the patient’s request and without a prescription is covered by Health Insurance at 100% for under 26s and to 60% for the rest of the population with coverage of the excess charge by health insurance.

This new device called« my test IST » will be deployed in all medical biology laboratories, whether hospital or city-based. The STIs concerned are the most common: gonorrhea, chlamydia, hepatitis B and syphilis.

This new system complements existing systems and in particular replaces the “HIV test”.

Routine screening of newborns for sickle cell disease

The sickle cell diseasealso called “ sickle cell anemia », is an inherited genetic disease affecting the red blood cells present in the blood.

Sickle cell disease is now systematically screened, with the consent of the parents, in all newborns (decree published in the Official Journal on August 3, 2024). Screening for sickle cell disease is one of the most common genetic diseases among those detected at birth. Its screening is being extended to all newborns and is no longer reserved for children at particular risk of developing the disease. Screening is 100% supported by Health Insurance.

This disease complements neonatal screening which until now detected 13 diseases.

My Prevention Assessment

“My prevention assessment” is a 30 to 45 minute appointment which allows patients and healthcare professionals to address lifestyle habits, identify risk factors for chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, etc.), carry out screenings (cancers, STIs, etc.) and vaccination reminders. This new time for discussion is an opportunity to take stock of your lifestyle habits and your environment with a health professional.

Prevention assessments are intended for all people in the following age groups:

  • 18-25 ans ;
  • 45-50 ans ;
  • 60-65 ans ;
  • 70-75 ans.

Preventive assessments can be carried out by different health professionals:

  • doctors;
  • nurses;
  • pharmacists;
  • midwives.

The prevention assessments are 100% covered by Health Insurance for all insured persons, with no advance costs.

The Health Prevention Examination (HPE)?

The Health Prevention Examination (EPS), formerly the “free health check-up”, is aimed at people aged 16 and over. It is primarily intended for those who are far from the health system.

This exam lasts 2 hours approximately and takes into account your medical monitoring. EPS is 100% covered by Health Insurance.

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