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Health care for homeless people extended until February – La Discusión

With the aim of providing continuity to the care provided during the winter season, and also, preventing and caring for the health of the most vulnerable people, the Ruta Médica Calle program, developed thanks to an agreement held between the Seremi de Desarrollo Social and the of Health Ñuble (SSÑ), extended its operation until the month of February.

This initiative is aimed at offering different services to homeless people, to prevent health problems due to high temperatures, providing, in addition to medical care, personal care kits that include toiletries and UV protection items.

“As an institution we have recommitted ourselves to homeless people and to those who reside in some of the shelters in the region. For this reason, we have extended the operation of the Street Route, through this agreement with the Seremi of Social Development for the summer season, where high temperatures and exposure to the sun can generate different health effects, and with this multidisciplinary team We want to prevent and care,” said the Director of the SSÑ, Elizabeth Abarca Triviño.

The directive also pointed out that, “it is a priority of the government to bring benefits closer to all people, we are talking about territorial work, which seeks to promptly treat various health problems, avoiding the exacerbation of the conditions. Therefore, the work carried out by this team is essential, providing treatment on site or promptly referring the person, depending on the health condition, to a primary care or emergency service, with which constant coordination is maintained. .

For its part, Seremi of Social Development of the Ñuble Region, Marta Carvajal Aguirre explained that “the agreement that we have extended with the Health Service for the execution of the medical route comes to support the entire series of devices that we have as part of the Protect Street plan “, so we are very happy that this possibility of providing health care is generated at this time of year, providing care and guidance, in addition to facilitating the transfer of homeless people to the different shelters,” he said.

“Through this device on the ground, in addition to bringing health to the people who need it most, sexual and reproductive education is provided to the users served, which underlines the importance and comprehensiveness of this initiative, which promotes Government of President Gabriel Boric,” added the regional ministerial secretary.

The team on the ground is made up of a social worker, a doctor, a nurse, a TENS specialist and a driver. The Calle Medical Route will be present until February, traveling through the different sectors on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 7:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.

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