Since you stopped breastfeeding, some depressive-type symptoms have been felt on a daily basis. Do not panic: the hormonal drop caused by the end of your breastfeeding cannot go unnoticed. It is completely normal given the physical and emotional intensity of the bond that develops between you and your child during feedings.
Ce Milk-Blues is all the more intense if the cessation of breastfeeding occurs suddenly, and not gradually. So the release of endorphins, hormones of well-being, which you enjoyed during breastfeeding, is over. A combo with the hormonal cascade linked to the return of the diaper, knowing that the cessation of breastfeeding is followed by the return of the periods.
Other events beyond hormones that can bring down your mood: Your toddler’s rejection of your breasts and the switch to formula milk can make you sad.
But also the body modifications with the passage from a round and generous chest under breastfeeding to a feeling of empty breasts and chest which disappears. “These physical changes consecutive to so many others can be hard to live with and send back to women, an image difficult to accept”, summarizes the Elhee site.
Guilt, irritability, loss of pleasure
The milk-blues will result in different symptoms associated with those of the baby blues, as specified by the website:
- “The feeling of not being up to your role as a mother (…), guilt, the impression of not being able to take care of your baby, a feeling of irritability and rejection of your child » ;
- « Extreme anxiety”;
- “A lack of interest in activities that are usually pleasant and a loss of pleasure when carrying them out”;
- “Permanent exhaustion or sleep problems (sleep too much or not enough), loss of appetite, a feeling of great sadness for no apparent reason and the desire to be alone, to withdraw into oneself » ;
- “The feeling of having lost control and not being able to make decisions”;
- “Changes in family relationships”.
Accept, get back to your habits
To compensate for this drop in morale, do not hesitate to go to the end of the reunion with your “life before”: agree real time for you, whether it is sufficient time slots to progress serenely in your work, hours to practice your favorite sport and/or hobbies, or even see your friends. So many daily well-being moments that release serotonin and oxytocin to ensure feelings of pleasure and attachment.
Not to mention that, contrary to popular belief, welcoming a child, also known as the postpartum phase, can – beyond the end of breastfeeding – not be a long calm river. As the site reminds us, the mother can develop a baby blues (passenger) or even postpartum depression.
Talk, unload
Unloading with your loved ones may also be necessary to get through this transitory complication. The neutral ear and the expertise of specialists such as your midwife or a psychologist can be of great help to you.
In fact, several months after giving birth, there are many relatives who do not appreciate the impact of stopping breastfeeding on your mental health and who therefore will not have the availability to listen that you have. need.