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Health: At home with care, the protected discharge project for 500 elderly people starts in Rome

Financed with 1 million and 300 thousand euros of funds from Mission 5 of the Pnrr, it provides for the care of those over 65 discharged from hospitals who require home care support

The “At home with care” project has started on an experimental basis, which provides for integrated protected discharges for 500 elderly people over 65 admitted to the Santo Spirito and San Filippo Neri hospitals.

The project, by the Department of Social Policies and Health of Rome Capital in collaboration with the ASL Roma 1, was financed with 1 million and 300 thousand euros of funds from Mission 5 of the Pnrr and involves taking care of the elderly discharged from hospitals who require home care support, which is currently not possible, to avoid improper admissions to nursing homes and long-term care facilities, together with careful monitoring and support which also includes the aid of tele-aid and tele-assistance tools, through the use of a specific App.

Patient care begins 72 hours before discharge, with the possibility of also benefiting from a transport service from hospital to home.
The objective is to guarantee continuity of assistance, which is often difficult if not impossible to activate quickly and in a personalized way for families or elderly people living alone. Teleassistance offers constant monitoring, while Teleassistance, active 24 hours a day and carried out by qualified personnel, represents an indispensable life-saving tool.

“At home with care – explains the councilor for Social Policies and Health Barbara Funari – it is an important experimental project to prevent the institutionalization of the elderly after hospitalization and to be able to protect them, especially after the Covid experience. Objectives that can only be achieved with a single socio-health fund that we as a Municipality make available, with the health support of ASL Roma 1 and thanks to Pnrr funds. We want to demonstrate that, to have a good system of protected discharges, it is essential to establish a system governance, which works on the convergence between different bodies, subjects and professions: essentially building an alliance between hospital, basic medicine, social services and families”.

“A project like this – comments the Extraordinary Commissioner of ASL Roma 1 Giuseppe Quintavalle – makes us all walk in the same direction and at the same speed, fueling synergies in order to achieve real care, all to create real added value in life of people, especially the most fragile. We know that timely intervention can act on many aspects, from the psychophysical to the social and relational, allowing our elderly, even in the absence of obvious pathologies, to counteract the evil of the century, loneliness.”

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