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Health announces that Madrid, Barcelona and Castilla y Len advance to phase 1 this Monday

The Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, announced at the press conference after the Council of Ministers that no territory will be in phase 0, since the Community of Madrid, the health areas of Barcelona and the provinces of Castilla and Len will spend that gives to phase 1.

Illa has highlighted “the excellent work done by all the autonomous communities” and has said that it will allow “to emerge stronger from this situation”.

What is allowed in phase 1?

According to the Ministry of Health, in this phase 1, citizens will be free to move around their province, always respecting the two-meter interpersonal distance and hygiene security measures. Even gatherings of family and friends of up to 10 people are allowed.

In this first phase, the activity in the restaurant sector also begins with the opening of terraces that will be limited to 50%. Also, the maximum occupancy of 10 people per table is allowed. In hospitality, the opening of hotels and tourist accommodation exclude common areas and have restrictions with the exception of hotel guests who can access the restaurant service.

The opening of educational and university centers may be carried out only for disinfection. Congresses, meetings, events and seminars will be allowed with a maximum of 30 attendees. Similarly, public and private libraries may be reopened for loan activities and the return of works. Museums may also open their doors with a maximum capacity of one third of their capacity.

The wake can be held with a maximum of 15 people in open spaces or 10 in closed spaces. In addition, attendance at places of worship will be allowed as long as it does not exceed one third of its capacity.

The opening of shops not exceeding 400 meters in surface is maintained. And an exception to these phase 1 openings will be shopping malls for involving larger crowds. Active and nature tourism activities can be carried out in groups of up to 10 people.

What territories go to phase 2 and what can be done?

In addition, the minister explained that 47% of Spain will pass this Monday, May 25, to phase 2. This will be done by: Asturias, Cantabria, the Canary Islands, the Balearic Islands, Navarra, Pas Vasco, La Rioja, Aragn, Extremadura, Galicia, six provinces of Andalusia (since Mlaga and Granada continue in phase 1), two provinces of Castilla-La Mancha (Cuenca and Guadalajara), Murcia, Ceuta and Melilla.

In addition, the sanitary areas of Camp de Tarragona, Terres de l’Ebre and Alt Pirineu enter phase 2 in Catalonia.

Among the main novelties of phase 2, the elimination of time slots stands out, except for the elderly who must maintain a walking schedule. In addition, the number of people who can meet up to a total of 15 is increased and visits to relatives in nursing homes are allowed. To all this is added the opening of beaches and swimming pools.

In the restaurant area, in this second phase, consumption is allowed inside the premises with table service and always seated. It is not possible to be in the bars of the bars. Likewise, shopping centers may also reopen with a capacity of 40%.

Hotels will be able to reopen their common areas with a third of the capacity. In this second phase, cinemas and theaters will also do so with a third of their capacity. Likewise, weddings can be held with guests as long as half the capacity of the venue is used, although only 100 guests will be allowed to attend if they are outdoors and 50 in closed spaces.

Phase 2 includes the opening of out-of-school educational and training centers. Academies and driving schools are specifically included in the government plan.

They can also open the indoor sports facilities and swimming pools, both at 30% of the capacity and by appointment. The use of the changing rooms is allowed and you can only train individually or in pairs if the sport does not require contact.

A decision awaited in Madrid

Yesterday, EL MUNDO announced that the Government was inclined to allow pass to phase 1 of the de-escalation to the Community of Madrid.

This Thursday the meeting betweenthe Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, and the counselor of the branch, Enrique Ruiz Escudero. Unlike what happened last week, the Central Executive have transmitted that the progress made by the region is enough to take one more step in de-escalation.

For their part, sources from the Ministry of Health of the Community of Madrid pointed out to Efe that the meeting “has passed with cordiality” and are “optimistic” in achievinggo to phase 1 on Monday, May 25.

“The Ministry of Health has recognized the capabilities of the Community of Madrid and especially its system of early detection of suspected cases,” added the same sources.

Both administrations stressed at the meeting, according to theMinister of Health, “the need to appeal to the prudence and individual responsibility of each Spanish in the de-escalation process”.

The requirements that Madrid already meets will cause it to abandon phase 0 after two failed attempts in the last two weeks. Both denials by Health have led to theGovernment of Isabel Daz Ayusoto file an appeal before the Contentious-Administrative Chamber of theSupreme court.

From the regional Executive point out thatthey are not aware of any report that would justify the refusal to go to phase 1 in the first of their attempts, which could suppose “a serious defect”.

For its part, in the second week that it was requested, the report of the General Directorate of Public Health of the Ministry of Health was “after the communication of the decision” to the Community and, in addition, “the reasons given by the report for The reasons for the denial are not directly related to the indicators of the so-called Plan for the Transition to a New Normality “.


Along with the flexibility plans in hospitals, Madrid underlines in itsdiagnostic abilitythat can be increasedup to 15,000 PCR testsand evenup to 20,000, something required by the Ministry.

InPrimary, one of the aspects that the Executive can consolidate and that is in the transformation phase, 1,300 tests are carried out daily, but Health plans to reach 5,000 together with the support of theSUMMA, reports Europa Press.

Regardingreinforcement, the Community of Madrid has advanced thatautomatically more than 10,000 contracts will be renewedreinforcement. Thus, in Primary the figure will be 650 troops and in Public Health, the department where the so-called trackers are located, is 175, with the possibility of reaching 400 depending on the evolution of the pandemic.

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