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Health: A Tübingen scientist is researching the corona drug: “We still know far too little about the virus, but we have to try it”

Prof. Kremsner, you have just started a study in Tübingen to combat the corona virus. When do you expect results?

If everything goes well, we will have an initial interim analysis in about three to four weeks. At the end of April we will know if the hydroxychloroquine is working or if it does more harm.

That means that current illnesses cannot yet hope for hydroxychloroquine?

Yes, but you have to be a patient with us. We are now including patients in the study – together with the university hospitals in Hamburg and Stuttgart. 220 patients are participating in the study.

Whom can it hurt?

Like any medication, hydroxychloroquine has side effects, and they are not insignificant. Side effects can occur especially in people with heart problems.

Hydroxychloroquine has been used to date for malaria. Is there a similarity between malaria and Covid-19, or why do you think it could work here too?

In vitro, in a test tube, it works against the viruses, killing them. We hope that the same result can be achieved in the blood and lungs. The hydorxycloroquine primarily acts against the virus multiplication, the progression of the disease – at least in theory. We don’t yet know if it really helps. Although there is already a lot of it – as a healing attempt. But all of this happens uncontrollably.

How is the disease Covid-19. There are several phases and the worst is not that of virus replication, is it?

This is what it looks like. Infection is often not so much the big problem with viruses, but rather what happens to subsequent and excessive defense reactions.

Does the hydroxychloroquine start at the right stage of the disease?

Unfortunately, far too little is known about the virus. But we have to try, especially since hydroxychloroquine is a drug that can be produced quickly. But it’s definitely not a miracle cure, as Donald Trump said.

Various other drugs are currently being tested. Is it a little bit of desperation to try everything against this virus now?

Naturally. Every effort is made to stop the virus, but in clinical studies with a lot of planning and care.

You have been dealing with viruses for a long time. Are you sure you have come across much worse ones?

There are many worse ones, but there are also many that harm us less. When I think of the Ebola virus, Covid-19- doesn’t mind. The mortality rate for Ebola is 60 percent, for Covid-19 probably 1 percent or less.

Are you afraid of Covid-19?

No, but I can understand that old and sick people are worried. At 58, I am no longer the youngest, but I am in good health. I actually expect to get infected at some point. I have a lot to do with patients and, of course, with colleagues. There can be contagion despite the distance, there is no 100 percent protection, except maybe close to a good vaccination that we are working on.

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