this Thursday, January 21, 2021, a delegation of the CGT was received at the prefecture of the lot, in Cahors, to discuss the problems in the field of health. (© Actu-Lot)
This Thursday, January 21, 2021, the CGT organized a national day of mobilization in the health. In the Lot, the union asked to be received at the prefecture in Cahors.
Carrying out the words of the “forgotten people of Ségur”
As part of this day of action, the CGT du Lot requested an interview with the chief of staff of the prefecture. A delegation made up of Danielle Prévautel (Lot Aide à Domicile), Nicolas Crouzat (Institut Camille Miret), Isabelle Schwartz (Ehpad), Joaquim Reche (Hôpital de Cahors), Jérôme Delmas, secretary general of the UD CGT du Lot, and Marie Piqué, vice- president of the Occitanie Region, therefore met Jean-Paul Lacouture this Thursday morning.
The union wanted to speak out “Forgotten by Ségur”, these employees of social and medico-social services who have not benefited from a bonus or salary increase. And to relay the growing needs in certain sectors such as psychiatry, to communicate the fatigue of nursing staff and to recall the need to increase the number of staff in medical and medico-social structures.
At the end of the meeting, Nicolas Crouzat spoke: “The professions of Social, medico-social, care and support at home, were hit hard from the first days of the health crisis in structures or at home. Many workers have found themselves forced to practice without minimum protections for vulnerable people, adults and children with disabilities. The pandemic has largely highlighted the social necessity and the great distress of this sector already devastated by years of budgetary austerity. The consequences are dramatic for professionals: chronic understaffing, workload pushed to the extreme, slippage of tasks, authoritarian management, all this with ever lower salaries and growing responsibilities! “
Marie Piqué recalls that “health is the first concern of the French”. The regional elected representative denounces the management of the vaccination campaign (the lack of available vaccines), which adds to the difficulties in the health sector. ” This anxiety-provoking situation is added to the situation of caregivers. Some are entitled to the premium, others are not. It is unworthy. We must give a decent salary to these exhausted personnel. “
A delegation from the Specialized reception center “Le Hameau des Sources” and the Foyer “La Passerelle” in Leyme made the trip to Cahors. Employees were not entitled to a salary increase of € 183 per month, unlike the other employees of the Camille-Miret Institute. “We have a feeling of injustice, of worthlessness. Especially since we have the same employer! “