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The safety and efficacy of ketamine NMDA receptor blocker as a … The lifetime prevalence of PTSD is about 8% [1]. Post pandemic PTSD prevalence has varied widely, based on the target population and the method of assessment [2]. Current global prevalence ranges from 2% to 73%, showing positive trends because of the COVID-19 pandemic and long-lasting sequelae [2].PTSD has a higher prevalence in male patients than females, with double the risk of acquiring PTSD…
Pharmacotherapy of PTSD: Premises, Principles, and Priorities Further support for this theory is derived from experiments in which pre-treatment with a glutamatergic NMDA-receptor antagonist was seen to decrease stress responsiveness as measured by ACTH release (Jezova et al., 1995; Tokarev and Jezova, 1997). This suggests that changes in glutamate levels play a key role in initiation and maintenance of …
Memantine Alleviates PTSD-like Symptoms and Improves Dendritic … Investigations into the glutamatergic system, especially the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor, are crucial for understanding PTSD mechanisms. This study aimed to evaluate the therapeutic potential of the non-competitive NMDA receptor antagonist memantine in mitigating PTSD symptom… therefore in Toulouse that research will advance through this consortium which combines chemists, pharmacobiologists and neurobiologists. A budget of 1.4 million euros is planned for the next four years.
“We don’t block memory, we rebalance it” “The links with Toulouse are historic, this is where the skills are,” sums up Gilles Rubinstenn, founder and president of the Rest therapeutics company.”We think that our leading program can eliminate the symptoms of post-traumatic stress and even cure it if we intervene in the first year. Without blocking memory but by rebalancing it, because we target the process of neurological plasticity directly. We are at the gates of the first clinical trial.”
“this common laboratory represents the most accomplished form of a partnership between the academic world and the industrial world,” adds Jocelyn Méré,CNRS Occitanie West regional delegate. “These interactions are structuring as it is indeed rare that all these people meet and work together. For us, chemists, see and understand what our molecules become, it’s essential, it allows you to go further,” concludes Emmanuel Gras , CNRS researcher at LHFA and director of the new Trans NMDA laboratory.