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Heads are rolling at PKP Cargo. “Joint responsibility for the bad situation” was dismissed

“The Board of Directors of PKP Cargo SA in restructuring dismissed the director of the Eastern Plant and the director of the Central Center of the company. This position was taken over by Mr. Wojciech Chobotow On August 4, 2024, Mr. Dariusz Łobejko terminated his position as Director of PKP Cargo SA Center in the restructuring of the Company’s Central Center taken over by Mr. Dariusz Browarek ,” the carrier announced Wednesday.

Currently, there are seven plants in PKP Cargo: Centralny, Dolnośląski, Południowy, Połnocny, Śląski, Wschodni and Zachodni.

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– In PKP Cargo SA under restructuring several changes are needed that will allow the recovery of the good financial position, efficiency and competitiveness on the market – said Marcin Wojewódka, who was mentioned in the news.

– For several months now, we have been keeping up with the disastrous state of the company in which our predecessors left it. The recovery process also includes changes in the roles of selected plant managers. They co-managed the company a few years ago and are responsible for each other’s bad situation. Trade union representatives also recognize the need for these changes. They emphasize that the company cannot repair it with the same people who brought it down, he said.

Heads are rolling at PKP Cargo.  “Joint responsibility for the bad situation” was dismissed

There will be general layoffs

On July 25, the management board of PKP Cargo announced that the District Court in Warsaw had opened the restructuring proceedings of the company. The day before, the management of the company decided to cancel groups with PKP Cargo plants and headquarters. It was reported that they are to cover up to 30 percent. employed, ie up to 4,142 workers in various professional groups.

In a press release, the company explained that the restructuring procedure was initiated at the request of the PKP Cargo management board and that it aims to save the company, restoring its liquidity and competitiveness in the long term. , and at the same time keeping as many essential jobs.

Heads are rolling at PKP Cargo.  “Joint responsibility for the bad situation” was dismissed

– The positive decision of the court and the start of restructuring proceedings allow us to save the company PKP Cargo. Sanacja is a kind of protective umbrella that allows to reach an agreement with creditors without the pressure of suddenly incurring multi-million dollar liabilities – said Wojewódka at the time. He told that too PKP Cargo’s current debt is PLN 5.2 billion.

Earlier, the Voivodeship pointed out that “there is no idea of ​​bankruptcy, liquidation or closure” of the company. He argued that the aim of the actions of the management board is to correct the sick situation in which the company finds itself in all aspects: moving stock, financial, organizational.

As he said, the restructuring will mean protection against interest on late payments, the company will be able to withdraw from unfavorable contracts and will be protected against enforcement. He also pointed out that a company under renovation can participate in tenders and win them, as long as it pays social security contributions and taxes.

Heads are rolling at PKP Cargo.  “Joint responsibility for the bad situation” was dismissed

On Tuesday night, PKP Cargotabor, a company owned by the PKP Cargo Group, announced its intention to carry out group layoffs. This decision was influenced by the “difficult financial situation of the subsidiary, the suspension of orders for the repair of PKP Cargo’s stock and the failure to repay PKP Cargo’s debts, as well as the fact that the subsidiary request to open restructuring proceedings and request for bankruptcy PKP Cargotabor Sp.

On Tuesday, it was also reported that the District Court in Warsaw issued a decision to secure the assets of PKP Cargotabor by appointing a temporary court administrator. PKP Cargotabor deals with the repair, maintenance and renewal of railway car stock, and operates in 15 centers in Poland.

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Heads are rolling at PKP Cargo.  “Joint responsibility for the bad situation” was dismissed

PKP Cargo is the largest rail freight carrier in Poland. As PKP Cargo Group, it offers logistics services combining rail, road and sea transport. Providing independent freight transport in Poland, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, GermanAustria, Holland, Hungary, Lithuania and Slovenia. The single largest shareholder of PKP Cargo is PKP SA, which holds 33.01 percent. shares.

Heads are rolling at PKP Cargo.  “Joint responsibility for the bad situation” was dismissed

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2024-08-07 19:42:14
#Heads #rolling #PKP #Cargo #Joint #responsibility #bad #situation #dismissed

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