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Head resonance. The wait for the patient is over: “I’ll take the test tomorrow”

The wait for the head MRI that had been going on for more than a month for Giuseppe Tripisciano, 46 ​​years old, a cancer patient, is over: it will be carried out tomorrow at the Sant’Orsola hospital.

The man, an employee, father of a six-year-old girl, resident in the Bolognese area, had turned to Carlino after waiting for the call for the exam for over thirty days. The intervention of the regional councilor for health policies, Raffaele Donini, struck by the man’s situation, unblocked the situation.

Tripisciano, as he told our newspaper, had “begun to have particular problems with his vision: the sensation is that of having needles with very strong pricks, sudden pains that lasted a few seconds which worried me. So my family doctor – had clarified – he prescribed me an urgent neurological examination and the specialist who examined me told me to urgently have an angio MRI with contrast of the head. He made the prescription and my doctor made the request.”

The employee explained that he had tried to book through the health file “but he wouldn’t let me do it, so I went to the Cup and they told me there was no room. The intake has been activated so I go in they should have called me for ten days. I waited but nothing happened, so I made the requests again two more times and each time they were taken care of, complete with codes, I waited ten days each time, but I’m still here – he had stated -. From Cup, I was kindly provided with a number to make a reminder, and the operator told me that it is being taken care of”.

But nothing had happened after thirty days. Tripisciano had underlined that he was not able, from an economic point of view, to support the expense of a private resonance. Hence the decision to make the problem public, also writing to the Local Health Authority of Bologna.

Finally the wait ended with great emotion from the man, a smile and many words of gratitude not only for himself, but also on behalf of his little girl.


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