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Head of the Legal Affairs Department

  • Functional area
    Legal Affairs
  • Use
    Head of Legal Affairs
  • Affiliate organization

    DREETS Auvergne-Rhône Alpes

  • Pouring
    State civil service
  • Category
    Category A (executive)
  • Publication date
  • Publication end date
  • Management

Job Description

Job description

Main activities :

• Participate in meetings of the management team of the labor policy pole and in the development of strategic choices and priorities for action
• Substituted, in the event of absence or impediment, by interim, the person in charge of the political pole of the work
• stimulates the activities of watch, advice, expertise and legal support, in relation with the DGT;
• supervises the investigation and / or processing activities of hierarchical and contentious appeals.
• Organizes and contributes to the animation action of the department, in particular through the tools and animation of the action of the services in terms of the quality of administrative decisions
• In his capacity as head of department, supervises and animates the activity of the department
• organizes relations with the administrative courts of the region.
• assesses the judicial activity of the DREETS in defense and shares this assessment with the management
• Ensures the processing of files as needed (emergencies, occasional overloads, etc.) and the representation of the State before administrative courts

Description of the employer

The regional service of the labor policy pole within the DREETS is the regional level of the labor inspection system in charge under the authority of the regional director of regional coordination and management of the labor policy defined by the General Directorate of Labor which aims in particular to ensure the effectiveness of labor law, guarantee the protection of employees and lead regional social dialogue.

It is organized around several departments located in Villeurbanne and Clermont Ferrand whose main missions are the animation and management of the action of the departmental services (labor inspection control units, intelligence services, labor administration in charge of systems or procedures), the fight against illegal work and fraud in international service provision, a contribution to the animation of social dialogue and partnerships at regional level, particularly around health issues and occupational safety, prevention of professional withdrawal for health reasons, the provision of support to the control officers of the labor inspectorate in the framework of multidisciplinary units, the approval and monitoring of health services at work and finally the exercise of medical inspection missions.

The team of the regional service of the labor policy pole has 52 agents spread over 5 departments, including the legal affairs department. The department’s teams are spread over the two sites.

The legal affairs department’s mission is to ensure the defense of the State before administrative courts in litigation in matters of labor law, to prevent it through activities of animation, monitoring, expertise , advising, and investigating hierarchical appeals on decisions taken by agents of the labor inspection system in their capacity as administrative authority or within the framework of their own powers

The health and safety department is made up of an assistant, 5 instructors. trices and two assistants

Special conditions of exercise

Service split over two sites located in Villeurbanne and Clermont Ferrand, requiring remote management and regular trips to the latter site. The exercise of the function may also justify trips following a less frequent occurrence, in the 12 departmental directorates (DDETS (PP) of the region

Required profile

Position open exclusively to category A officials (director of labor or deputy director of labor on a progress board director of labor

Complementary information

Complementary information

Position open exclusively to category A officials (director of labor or deputy director of labor on a progress board director of labor

Recruitment will be carried out in accordance with decree n ° 2019-1265 of 29/11/2019 relating to management guidelines.

The agent will submit his application file online on the Démarches Simplifiees website https://www.demarches-simplifiees.fr/commencer/dreets-ara-mobilite-2021 or identify himself with https://franceconnect.gouv.fr /

The agent’s application will be effective subject to validation by the original HR department.

Nature of the job

  • Job open to incumbents and / or contract workers

Legal basis for recruitment

Service split over two sites located in Villeurbanne and Clermont Ferrand, requiring remote management and regular trips to the latter site. The exercise of the function may also justify trips following a less frequent occurrence, in the 12 departmental directorates (DDETS (PP) of the region

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