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Head of the European Commission: By the end of the summer, we can vaccinate 70 percent. population

– We can achieve the goal and vaccinate 70 percent by the end of summer. adult population of the European Union, declared the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen in Brussels. She also presented vaccine delivery plans for the coming months and spoke about AstraZeneca.

– We know we can achieve our goal of fully vaccinating 70%. adult population by the end of summer – Ursula von der Leyen announced, presenting the state of the current and planned vaccine deliveries.

According to the data presented by the president of the European Commission, in the first quarter, i.e. by the end of March, a total of slightly over 100 million doses will be delivered to the Member States. Of these, 66 million doses are Pfizer / BioNTech, 10 million – Moderna and 30 million – AstraZeneca. – As long as this company honors its commitments – the head of the European Commission said, recalling that AstraZeneka’s original commitment was 90 million doses in the first quarter.

“We know deliveries will increase in the second quarter,” assured von der Leyen.

Pfizer / BioNTech is expected to deliver 200 million doses in the second quarter, Johnson & Johnson – 55 million, and Moderna – 35 million. According to current forecasts, AstraZeneca will deliver 70 million doses.

The head of the European Commission also warned in Brussels that the EU may decide to introduce restrictions on the export of vaccines to countries outside the EU. As she said, in this matter it is necessary to “respect the principle of reciprocity”.

She added that the European Commission will closely monitor the situation regarding the supply of vaccines in the second quarter.

On March 11, the European Commission decided to extend the authorization mechanism of exports of vaccines against COVID-19 until the end of June. The reason is the constant delays in the supply of vaccines to EU countries. The main destination of vaccine exports from the EU is Great Britain.

Von der Leyen also spoke about the AstraZeneca vaccine. In recent days, more countries have suspended vaccination with this preparation, linking it to cases of blood clots in people who received the injection.

– I trust AstraZenek. I trust these vaccines. Tomorrow, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) will make a statement on this matter. I am convinced that this statement will clarify the whole situation – said the head of the European Commission, answering the question whether the European Union is trying to divert attention from the slow pace of vaccination on the territory of the Community, looking for shortages in the vaccine of the British-Swedish company.

Referring to the accusation about the slow pace of vaccination, the head of the European Commission recalled that so far 70 million doses of vaccines have been delivered to the Member States, and by the end of the month it will be over 100 million doses.

– It is gaining momentum compared to the beginning. The beginnings were difficult – admitted von der Leyen.

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