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Head of the endsum angers research group

  • Functional area
    Direction and management of public policies
  • Use
    Sector / sector manager
  • Affiliate organization

    Center for Studies and Expertise on Risks, Environment, Mobility and Planning (CEREMA)

  • Employer
  • Pouring
    State civil service
  • Category
    Category A + (Senior management)
  • Publication date
  • Publication end date

Job Description

Job description

The Head of the research group is responsible for the ENDSUM component in Angers. He-she stimulates, negotiates and supervises a program of scientific studies, and ensures its realization, its quality and its scientific validity.

-Contribute, in conjunction with the ENDSUM manager of Cerema, to the definition of the positioning strategy in research on the non-destructive evaluation of structures and materials

-Participate in setting up research projects

-Be on watch in his field and force of proposal on innovative working methods or techniques

-Pilot a group, organize, monitor its production of scientific studies by contributing to it (production of research work, supervision of doctoral or post-doctoral students)

-Formalize the results

-Organize the capitalization and promotion of work (publications in peer-reviewed journals, intervention in conferences).

Hierarchical link:

Hierarchical connection to the director of the Angers agency.

As part of the management of the research activity in evaluation and non-destructive testing, the head of the group hierarchically supervises a group of 6 people, organizes the planning, coordination and administrative and scientific monitoring of research projects and thesis contracts with the various researchers and project managers.

At the Cerema scale, the functional management of the ENDSUM research team is provided by the head of the Rouen component. The head of the Angers research group assists her in this piloting.

Description of the employer

Cerema is the benchmark establishment in the fields of expertise and public engineering to support the territories in their missions of adaptation to climate change. It assists the State, local authorities and companies to lead them towards a strategy of sustainable development and mobility adapted to ecological challenges. Cerema offers tailored and unique solutions depending on the region.

A reference resource center, it informs the choices of public decision-makers and supports them in the implementation of their development projects. Present throughout the country with more than 2,600 agents, Cerema has embarked on an ambitious transformation plan in order to become the benchmark operator for local communities and businesses. This change is reflected in an accentuation of the valuation of its expertise. To do this, it has significantly overhauled its organization and its mode of operation. At the same time, Cerema has refocused on its core business and is orienting its activities and services towards the real needs of its partners.

The Western Territorial Directorate is one of the 8 territorial directorates of Cerema. It has around 250 agents (October 2020) divided into two research departments, a mission and a general secretariat in Nantes, and two agencies in Angers and St Brieuc.

The Angers agency, which includes 70 agents, is made up of 5 technical groups, including the ENDSUM-Angers research group (Non Destructive Assessment of Structures and Materials).

The ENDSUM research team of Cerema, organized on three sites (Rouen, Angers and Strasbourg), aims to contribute to the development of tools and methods of characterization and diagnosis with high yield, less invasive and n ‘not altering the environments auscultated. These tools make it possible to evaluate the physical and geometric characteristics of the surface as well as the internal properties of the structures, soils and materials studied, as well as their evolution over time.

Special conditions of exercise


Personal office.

Provision of a computer and a mobile phone.

Hours and seasons:
No specific seasonal hourly constraint.

Special conditions :
Frequent trips to France and occasionally abroad

Required profile


High-level scientific knowledge in evaluation and non-destructive testing Experience in proven research, HDR supported or in preparation Knowledge of methods, techniques, protocols and standards of the field of application Control of the required equipment, hardware and software

Knowledge of the rules and contractual obligations regarding the protection of intellectual property

English proficiency

Know how

Manage and write a scientific production Ability to work in a project team and in a network

Mobilize resources, control compliance with rules and procedures, quality of services Capacity for analysis, synthesis and drafting

Aptitude for dialogue and negotiation


Good interpersonal skills, charisma Rigor and sense of organization

Force of proposal, sense of initiative, innovative spirit, scientific curiosity Teaching ability

Confidentiality and reserve

Complementary information

Complementary information

We thank you for applying only to the email addresses below. Applications received directly on the PEP website will not be processed.

Patrick INGLES, director of the Angers agency Tel: 02 41 79 13 00

mail : [email protected]

Jean-Christophe VILLEMAUD, western territorial director of Cerema Tel: 02 40 12 83 00

mail : [email protected]

Cyrille FAUCHARD, head of the ENDSUM team Tel: 02 35 68 92 95

mail : [email protected]

Nature of the job

  • Job open to incumbents and / or contract workers

Legal basis for recruitment


Personal office.

Provision of a computer and a mobile phone.

Hours and seasons:
No specific seasonal hourly constraint.

Special conditions :
Frequent trips to France and occasionally abroad

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