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Head of Sikka Resort Police and Agriculture Office Monitor Rabies Vaccination Implementation in Sikka Regency

The Head of the Sikka Resort Police (Kapolres), AKBP Hardi Dinata H., SIK MM, together with the Head of Agriculture Office, Jemy Satriawan Sadipun, SP., M.Si, monitored the implementation of vaccinations, Thursday (03/08/2023)

MAUMERE-LENTERAPOS.ID, Sikka Resort Police Chief (Kapolres), AKBP Hardi Dinata H., SIK MM, directly monitored the implementation of Rabies Transmitting Animal Vaccination (HPR) by the vaccinator team of the Sikka Agriculture and Livestock Service, Thursday (03/07/2023) .

The HPR vaccination activities from vaccines assisted by the Indonesian National Police (POLRI) were carried out in four areas in Sikka Regency where cases of rabid dog bites occurred some time ago, namely in Kota Baru Village, Hikong Village, Timu Tawa Village and Uden Duen Village.

The Head of the Agriculture and Livestock Service Office of Sikka Regency, Jemy Satriawan Sadipun, SP., M.Sc., explained on the sidelines of the activity that from 1,505 doses of rabies vaccine assisted by POLRI, the vaccinator team managed to inoculate 992 HPR populations in the four areas with details;

Kota Baru Village has a population of 172, namely 143 dogs and 29 cats, Hikong Village has 138 dogs, Timutawa Village has 255 dogs and Uden Duen Village has 271 dogs. “So, out of a total of 1,505 doses of vaccines assisted by the National Police, 836 doses were realized and the remaining 669 doses were to be used,” said Jemy.

Asked about the rabies vaccine stock, Jemy explained that the Sikka Regency Government had also procured the vaccine from the Sikka Regency APBD and proposed assistance to the Ministry of Agriculture.

Apart from that, said Jemy, his party has also coordinated with the NTT Provincial Agriculture Office so they can get a quota of rabies vaccine donated by the World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) which is intended for South Central Timor (TTS) Regency.

“Next week we will receive 1,500 doses of vaccine assistance from the Ministry of Agriculture through the Animal Health Sector of the NTT Provincial Agriculture Service,” he said.

Even though the rabies vaccine is not comparable to the dog population in Sikka Regency, which reaches 55,000, Jemy said, for now his party will optimize it in the areas where cases have occurred.

“Our hope is that if the vaccine stock is sufficient, we will vaccinate all HPR. But for now, we will prioritize areas where cases of rabies dog bites have occurred,” he explained.

He also appealed to residents of Sikka Regency who have pet dogs to be responsible for their pets for the safety of the whole community. (Mardat/Mia Margaretha)

2023-08-04 16:12:00
#Sikka #Police #Chief #Monitor #Rabies #Emergency #Vaccinations #Police #Assistance

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