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Head of PUPR Palalawan District in Spotlight for Abandoning Son for Pelakor


Head of PUPR Palalawan District Joko Sutiardi is in the spotlight on social media. The reason was that Joko’s son confessed that he had been abandoned by his father for another woman or a pelakor (male usurper).

Reported detikSumatra, the video of Joko’s son’s confession went viral on social media. After the video went viral, Joko suddenly disappeared. In her confession, the young woman displayed a screenshot asking her father to be responsible.

“So daddy is taking off responsibility? With younger brother and Mba Uti?,” he said in the post, reported detikSumatraWednesday (12/7/2023).

Only 1 minute later, the WhatsApp short message was replied to. But the message was immediately deleted. The conversation was about Joko’s son asking for school fees.

Still in the same video, the girl also displays a photo of her father when he was inaugurated. Including a photo of Joko Sutiardi from a screenshot of the news in the media. “Preferring to abandon their children for the sake of the perpetrator who doesn’t know himself,” he said.

The Acting Regional Secretary of Pelalawan, Abdul Karim, confirmed that the viral video dragged the Head of PUPR Office, Joko Sutiardi. It’s just that, Joko ‘disappeared’ after the video went viral.

“Yes, just haven’t been able to be contacted. We’re still working on it, it hasn’t come yet. It seems it’s not here, we’re still working on this,” he confirmed detikSumatra.

Meanwhile, the Regent of Pelalawan, Zukri, ensured that he would give strict sanctions if Joko was found guilty. Before that, he would clarify the viral video directly to Joko.

“Yesterday I was summoned, contact the Regional Secretary, Mr. Abdul Karim,” said Zukri when confirmed, Thursday (13/7/2023).

Read full news here.


2023-07-14 03:04:14

#Viral #Children #Pelalawan #PUPR #Kadis #Admits #Abandoned #Father #sake #Actors

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