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“He won’t understand until he’s sent to prison”: Repeat offender sentenced to prison for drug trafficking

The essential He was selling drugs near his home. A 20-year-old was tried for repeat supply or transfer of narcotics and repeat use of narcotics.

“I am disappointed in myself,” Luc* complains to the judges. In immediate appearance for repeat offences of supplying or selling narcotics and repeat offences of using narcotics, the young man becomes well known to the court in Foix. Convicted four times, he nevertheless assures that he wants to repent.

It was 11:40 p.m. on Monday, July 29, when a police patrol overheard a suspicious transaction between two individuals near a home. Luc appeared to be exchanging something with the buyer. The police arrested him and found a bag containing 1.4 g of cocaine on one of them and three €20 notes on Luc. The two men had apparently made contact on the social network Snapchat for the sale. During the search of the 20-year-old’s home, the police found three cannabis heads, a scale, empty packaging, a telephone and €900 in cash. After a screening test, Luc tested positive for cannabis and admitted to selling drugs. He was unclear about how he obtained the cocaine and said he withdrew the money found at his home. He received a €500 transfer from the tax office and money from the local mission.

Already known to the courts for three drug cases, one of which involved refusal to comply, and a conviction for acts of violence, he is in serious danger.

Three appearances in six months

Sentenced to 10 months in prison accumulated over his various appearances, the young man has embarked on a vicious circle. “The last time the court was lenient,” the presiding judge Pauline Chaulet reminds him, raising her voice, frustrated to see him in court for the umpteenth time. He explains to the judges that he owes money, more than €5,000, to bad company who would then put pressure on him to sell. Victim of death threats, the Appaméen is emotional in the dock, tears in his eyes, he understands that he will not escape prison. According to the search of the phone searched at his home, the device was used for drug trafficking.

He explains that he is afraid for his life in the remand center and wants to leave Ariège. “The cannabis found at my house is for my personal consumption. But I am trying to stop, I have reduced to two joints per day and I am being monitored for that,” he says with a trembling voice. “I use the scales to check the weight of the cannabis I buy for my consumption and the phone, I recently bought it on Leboncoin.” Luc wants to show that he has changed and indicates that he has done internships in catering, a field that he enjoys. He would like to work as a waiter.

Despite these words, prosecutor Olivier Mouysset is not being gentle: “This is the third time he has appeared in court in six months, he has already been sentenced to ten months in prison, this must be stopped! He will not understand until he is sent to prison,” he insists. The man points out that in the event of a legal repeat offence the maximum sentence is 20 years in prison. He is requesting eight months in prison with continued detention, a ban on appearing in Pamiers for two years and the confiscation of the seals. “Let this sentence be an electroshock,” the prosecutor demands.

Maître Perrera acknowledges the accusations but wants to provide context: “He is a young man who had a difficult childhood and who is trying to get out of it. The only way to do that is to find work, but he can’t do it.” Having fallen into cannabis at the age of 11 and having a difficult relationship with his father, his journey has led him to court. For the lawyer, a prison sentence can only delay his entry into the right path. During the deliberations of the judges, the defendant gives the employees of the prison administration a hard time and spits in his cell, which is far from amusing the prosecutor. The court decides on a sentence of 5 months in prison with a ban on staying in Pamiers for two years and the confiscation of the seals.

*First names have been changed

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