Home » today » World » He withdraws from his mother’s insurance and “takes 2.22 million as a reward for the live broadcaster” … The mother gas bomb has sued the court and the sentence was released

He withdraws from his mother’s insurance and “takes 2.22 million as a reward for the live broadcaster” … The mother gas bomb has sued the court and the sentence was released

A mother in mainland China’s Hengyang city changed the policy in her son’s name and gave the other party RMB 300,000 in cash (approximately NT $ 1.33 million). she, she took more than 500,000 yuan (about 2.22 million new Taiwan dollars) to spend freely. (Schematic diagram / PIXABAY)

[周刊王CTWANT] A mother from Hengyang, Mainland China not only changed the policyholder to her son’s name, but also gave her son RMB 300,000 in cash (approximately NT $ 1.33 million). (about 2.22 million New Taiwan dollars) to be spent recklessly. The mother recently sued the court, demanding that the gift be revoked from her son.

fullMo MediumAccording to the report, “Son Takes Mother’s 500,000 Retirement Money To Reward Her Female Anchor” was recently the subject of heated research. After a mother named Li divorced, she lived with her son Zhou Nan and her wife. Since Zhou Nan divorced he has no regular job, mother is affordable for 2021 In August 2008 he summoned his children to hold a family reunion at home Zhou Nan and his wife promised to be responsible for the old age of the mother and to assume maintenance obligations. The mother then agreed to give Zhou Nan all the wealth management insurance policies for which he had paid premiums, and the policyholder switched to him, so he donated 300,000 yuan in cash and bought universal financial insurance. for the two sons of Zhou Nan.

Unexpectedly, after accepting the gift, Zhou Nan not only failed to fulfill his maintenance obligations, but also used the insured’s identity to waive the insurance and took out a total of more than 500,000 yuan in premiums to spend freely. , which was used to buy online gaming equipment, rewards female anchors, etc. After the mother learned of the situation, in order to prevent the defendant’s son from continuing to surrender the insurance and transfer and disperse all the insured assets to protect his rights and interests, he then sued the son in court. Zhengxiang District People’s Party, calling for the revocation of actor Li’s gift to defendant Zhou.

The court ruling was released. The judge pointed out that defendant Zhou Nan has not fulfilled the obligations of maintaining the mandatory gift agreement as agreed and has maintained the good habits of the company. The Zhengxiang District People’s Court finally ruled in favor of plaintiff Li’s complaint and rescinded plaintiff Li’s mother’s complaint in accordance with the law. Defendant Zhou Nan donated nine insurance policies.

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