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He was waiting for rescue for 2 days – eXtra.cz

Although he was still a small capart, Karel Gott († 80) remembered the horrific experiences of the Second World War very well. In 1945, a bomb fell not far from the house where he lived with his family. He then spent a few days trapped in a cellar because the east was blocked by rubble. Gott described all this in the autobiography My Way to Happiness.

Karel Gott he came from Pilsen, where he was born and spent his youth. But he was born at the worst possible time, in the middle of World War II. Although the Czechia avoided the biggest fights, Pilsen caught more than enough. During the war, weapons for the Nazi army were produced in the local Škoda, so the city was the target of bombers.

The prayers took over

During one of the raids inečer 17. dubna 1945 se mAminka Marie († 66) and five-year-old Karel hid in the cellar. Dad wasn’t home at the time. Suddenly, loud explosions began to come out of nowhere and the ground began to shake.

“The whistling of air bombs comes to us from above, followed by strong or weaker explosions. I am experiencing a carpet raid for the first time and I am afraid of squeezing myself into my mother’s arms and, together with the others, I am chanting the little angel, my guardian, quotes Blesk from the singer’s autobiography.

One of the bombs hit the next house. Mom and Karl were lucky in misfortune. They survived unscathed, but remained trapped in the dungeon. The east was flooded with rubble from the house next door.

Finally light

“We were waiting for rescue – no water, no food, no electricity, soon no candles. In complete darkness. It was the first real horror I experienced in my life. “ described Gott’s horror. IN the dark traps remained trapped for two whole daysbefore they finally came to light.

“I finally feel a gust of fresh air and I hear a tangle of voices, one of which is very familiar to me. And then suddenly, among all those rescuers, stands my dear dad. Mom cries with happiness, Lightning quotes memories from the expected book. Gott’s bomb completely damaged the apartment, so they took advantage of the asylum at grandmother Vincent in Újezd ​​u Svatého Kříže. Very little was missing and the Czech nation would lose one of the greatest legends.


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