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He was raped and treated, now he is being tried again for the same act

According to the plaintiff, in a new case, Klápa looked for a woman in the new case, which he pulled back from the ground to a partial seat, held her, and when she screamed, he shouted at her: “Don’t shout or I’ll kill you!” then reach! ”Then, according to the indictment, he reached through her leggings into her crotch, then fortunately a car arrived at the scene of the attack, the attacker was startled and fled.

The young man was sentenced to nine years in prison by the Brno City Court for last year’s rape, and he was also sentenced to stay in a detention facility. However, Klápa did not accept the punishment and filed an appeal. The public prosecutor protested against this at the Regional Court of Appeal.

“His crime is clearly proven. The statement in which she denies it is purposeful and unreliable. After a previous conviction, he committed a particularly serious crime again, the court correctly imposed his sentence at an increased rate, “said the public prosecutor.

The Board of Appeal, headed by Halina Černá, eventually acknowledged that the conviction was somewhat premature and pointed out that the court of first instance had not properly dealt with all the disagreements concerning, in particular, Klapa’s movement detected by telephone location. Although the conviction’s verdict was overturned, the court refused to release the man, so he would have to wait for the new trial in custody.

“In the past, he had already served a seven-year sentence for similar conduct, he had been ordered for protective treatment, the expert opinion also shows that he suffers from pathological sexual aggression, and the threat of recidivism is very high,” Judge Černá explained the need for detention.

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