The restaurant operator first noticed the dirt when he opened his shop in the immediate vicinity of the police station on the morning of March 18. The floor, a chair and the table next to it were also muddy, and the ceiling hung in pieces above them. The restaurateur also noticed that one of the rear windows was open and HUF 4,000 was missing from the cash register, and although it seemed strange that someone had broken the roof for that reason, the store manager informed the police.
During the on-site inspection, the recording of the internal camera revealed the time of the crime. But also to the fact that the perpetrator only pulled the hood of his jacket over his head when he entered the restaurant through the polycarbonate ceiling that he had torn open with his bare hands and headed towards the cash register. He found a scarf on the fridge, which he wrapped in front of his mouth. However, in the moments before that, her face was visible, only the black-and-white recording, which was taken in the dark, was not of particularly high quality
– outlined Lieutenant István Ignácz, the XVI. District Police Department detective.
There were surveillance cameras, and the investigators found useful footage in their footage: the man was not alone, a young girl was also with him.
A montage was made of the best recordings, which was distributed to the XVI. It was forwarded to the District Police Department and the Budapest and Pest County Police Departments. Within a short time, two people identified the man: one of them was Staff Sergeant Gróf László from the police department of the district headquarters.
He used to work in the penitentiary, and in one of the capital’s prisons he was a district inspector on the very floor where R. Árpád also served his prison term.
We immediately went to his address in Kistarcsa, but it only turned out that he was denied because he stole from everyone. We then searched for his possible whereabouts, but he was not found, so we issued a warrant against him on March 27. By chance, my colleague László Gróf hit him the next morning as a passenger in an oncoming car. He and his partner, Staff Sergeant Gerhard Rippitsch, turned after the vehicle, and after a short chase, they took action against the driver and his passenger. The girl who was also seen in the obtained camera footage was also traveling in the back seat.
– said the investigator in charge of the case.

Mint writes: during its production, R. Árpád boasted that he broke into the restaurant next to the captain’s office only to prove that the district policemen are not that tough, but he said something else during his interrogation.
He explained that they were hungry and that they used the 4,000 forints to buy gyros at the nearby non-stop fast food restaurant, and then went home to Kistarcsá with the last HÉV. He tried to protect the 15-year-old girl, who, on the other hand, admitted during the interrogation that she had also climbed onto the roof of the restaurant
said the lieutenant.
The damage caused by vandalism is HUF 40,000, 33-year-old R. Árpád is suspected of theft. Currently, there is another proceeding against him, the court ordered his arrest.