The traitors chose a third schemer to join their ranks. Beware of plot revelations!

The group of traitors was completed in the second episode of the program. Saku Tiainen
Traitors– in the first episode of the second season of the show, the show’s host Christoffer Strandberg chose two frauds, radio host Jone Nikula and crossover artist Cristal Snow.
However, the group of conspirators was not yet full, and the two got to choose a third member to be treacherous.
In the series, the purpose of the traitors is figuratively to murder as many faithful as possible in order to get access to the jackpot.
Already in the first episode, Nikula and Snow pondered whether the third traitor should also be a man. They believed that the other contestants would assume at least one of the traitors was a woman.
– Someone who is a younger addition to the trio. Purely because that point of view changes even with age, Nikula justifies the choice of the third treacherous one.
At breakfast, they guess who will be the first “murdered” in the program. Saku Tiainen
Consequently, former ice hockey player Janne Puhakka was chosen as the third traitor. He also finally found out who he will be scheming with as the show progresses.
– Good day, welcome to the Vanajanlinna murder team, Jone Nikula wishes Puhaka as the night darkens.
First, the original treacherous duo ask if Puhakka was after them.
– Now I’m going crazy myself, Puhakka was the first to comment.
– An exciting situation to meet other fraudsters. I was surprised. Jone might have had a thought in my mind that it might be, he says.
– Our trio is the greatest. We have different enough ideas on this matter. I strongly believe that as long as we aim for victory, we will aim for victory with this trio, Nikula says.
Puhakka says that the trio also found common ground when deciding who will leave the race next.
Petolisten on Thursdays at Nelose at 20:00 & Ruudu. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
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