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He thinks that Aleksandr Lukashenko and Belarus were reluctantly drawn into Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine. – VG

ACTIVIST: Aleh Razhkou, human rights worker and journalist, meets VG at the Helsinki Committee in Oslo.

Russian Vladimir Putin is trying to pressure neighboring Belarus to give him more support in the war. But it could be political suicide for the country’s dictatorial leader, according to a country activist.


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Autumn 2020. Violent demonstrations rage in Minsk and other cities in Belarus.

The fact that President Aleksandr Lukashenko had declared a dubious electoral victory caused huge crowds to seethe. Those who dared to show resistance were beaten with tremendous force.

The arrested protesters told VG horror stories and sent creepy images.

For human rights activist and journalist Aleh Razhkou, the wave of revolt was the last one he participated in, after more than a decade of conflict with the regime. He fled to Kiev, Ukraine.

– We who fled Lukashenko were welcomed with open arms in Ukraine. It is incredibly sad that our country now says it will support Russia more in the war against Ukraine, Razhkou tells VG.

Background: Russia and Belarus are rallying troops: – Disturbing

TWO GOOD FRIENDS: Russian President Vladimir Putin in a slightly tense embrace with the President of Belarus, Aleksandr Lukashenko. But how much support Putin will actually get from Lukashenko is unclear.

He claims that Ukraine is a danger

On Monday it became known that Lukashenko, or “Luka” as he is called in his own country, will deploy joint forces with Russia on the border with Ukraine. He claims it was done because Ukraine is preparing an attack on the country.

– The regime’s propaganda is very powerful. For years, the goal has been to brainwash the population and crack down on free media. Now lies are spreading about Ukraine being a danger to Belarus, Razhkou says.

– But the people of Belarus have no reason to want war with Ukraine, he explains.

The Belarusian authorities say that the joint force created with Russia will only be used for defense. The aim will be “to provide an adequate response to incidents near our borders”.

– It can be said that Ukraine is attacking Belarus with rockets, but Ukraine has no reason to do so, says Razhkou.

At the beginning of the war, Russian soldiers attacked Kiev from Belarus. Rockets were also fired from the country into Ukraine. But Belarus never participated with the troops.

Razhkou believes that ordinary people in Belarus will oppose participation in the war if they go that far. They have seen how bad things are for the Russian troops, and there is great reluctance if mobilization is introduced to force men into the army.

– I don’t think “Luka” really wants to participate in such a war. He has been skeptical for a long time, but he is under pressure from Putin.

Russia claimed that the four regions of Ukraine they have become attached,To annex means to conquer a territory, and to claim it as one’s own. Russia does not have control over all the areas it has now annexed. This applies to the counties of Donetsk, Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhya. The international community condemns the Russian annexation. it is already part of an alliance that includes Russia and Belarus.

– Putin wants to drag Belarus into war. Lukashenko is really only interested in maintaining power, but he depends on Putin’s support, politically and financially.

PROTESTS: Protesters in Minsk in November 2020 show what they think about the friendship between Putin and Lukashenko.

Get to know the Peace Prize Winner

The Belarusian journalist fled from Kiev to London a week before the war began in February.

It is now unclear whether he can return: Ukraine has become much more skeptical of anyone from Belarus and several exiled Belarusians have been refused entry.

Skepticism also emerged when one of President Zelenskyi’s advisers made a harsh comment on human rights defenders from Ukraine, Russia and Belarus who were jointly awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

– In Ukraine they feel that we in Belarus have not done enough to stop the war. I understand their disappointment, but it is sad that this is the case. It hurts that all Belarusians are somehow seen as accomplices, especially when you’ve dedicated your life to fighting the regime, Razhkou says.

AWARD WINNER: Belarusian activist Ales Byalyatski is one of three Nobel Peace Prize winners announced on Friday last week. The image is from 2011, but Byalyatski was imprisoned again in 2020.

One of the three winners is Jailed Ales Byaljatski, head of the Vyasna organization.

– I interviewed him several times. What an incredibly brave man. After the 2020 demonstrations, he knew he would be arrested. I know that several people begged him to leave the country, but he stayed.

– I hope the Peace Prize will give more attention to Vjasna’s work. Perhaps Byalyatski gets some form of protection through the reward and the pressure to release it increases.

But at the same time, the peace prize winner became even more valuable as a political prisoner, Razhkou points out.

EXPOSED: Aleh Razhkou experienced that the Belarusian KGB security police used his sexual orientation to defame him.

Attempt to recruit

Razhkou himself soon came into conflict with the regime.

He was about to graduate from journalism school when the Belarusian security police, the KGB, tried to recruit him. He refused and made the matter public.

– I worried even more about being a critical journalist of the regime.

In revenge, the KGB leaked incitement to her sexual orientation on the Internet.

– Society in Belarus is extremely homophobic, so they tried to slander me as a journalist by portraying me as a pervert.

The entire queer community in Belarus is under extreme pressure, Razhkou explains.

– The regime hunts down homosexuals. This is partly due to the fact that the LGBT + movement was active during the 2020 demonstrations and partly because the regime will use prejudice against gays to create hatred and division.

PS: Belarus announces on Friday that it has launched what it calls an anti-terrorist operation and has increased the readiness of its military forces, according to official statements.

In an interview with the Russian newspaper Izvestia, Belarusian Foreign Minister Vladimir Makej accuses Ukraine of “provocations” and states that this is the reason for the operation.

– We actually have information that provocations from some neighboring countries are planned, including the occupation of parts of Belarusian territory, he tells the newspaper.

Among other things, border control will be strengthened, Makej says.

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