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He steals a leaf blower and goes to jail

The Zemgale District Court has sentenced a man to three months’ imprisonment for stealing a leaf blower worth 219 euros, according to a publicly available anonymised court judgment.

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October 26 at around 12.20 A woman, using a leaf blower “Echopb-251”, cleaned the territory near an apartment house in Jelgava. As she put the leaf blower aside for a moment and continued to work with the rake and wheelbarrow, the man took the opportunity and stole the unattended device.

The woman noticed the alleged perpetrator, immediately contacted law enforcement, and reported the theft. The man was arrested the same day, but the leaf blower was handed over to its rightful owner.

Theft as a result, the victim suffered material damage in the amount of 219 euros. By his actions, the accused committed a criminal offense provided for in the first paragraph of Article 180 of the Criminal Law.

The man, who was born in 1969, had previously come to the attention of the police for committing crimes of a similar nature. The man fully admitted his guilt.

On this basis, the court ruled that the person was guilty and sentenced to three months’ imprisonment.

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