At what point does a room become an apartment or vice versa? This discussion developed intensely on social networks starting from a video posted by a New York real estate agent, in which a a small space available for living in the city. Although he has called it a “small apartment”, for many it is an option that does not promise comfort, especially considering its price.
The reactions of the virtual community coincide: “Call it a department is an act of brutal optimism,” recalled one of the commentators. Moreover, They showed their good sense of humour.: “It was the room where they kept the brooms, now they call it ‘micro-department’”; “Brilliant; the wardrobe has a wardrobe!”; “Harry Potter had a bigger apartment under the stairs,” wrote other users.
From the clip posted on the account @omerlabock but TikTokwhich is about to reach three million views, has developed a conversation fed with more than 8800 comments written in Spanish, English, French, Italian and even German, which demonstrates the level of virality achieved.
“I hope the price is ‘micro’ as well,” one person commented to the post, to which another user replied, “For NYC, it’s as ‘micro’ as you can get.”
The reason for all these exchanges is that the published price of this site is US $ 2000. The amount represents less than half of the average in Manhattan, equal to about $5,249, according to the most recent reports by Behavior of the real estate market in New Yorkpopularized by real estate consultants Douglas Elliman and Samuel Miller.
Before the controversy arose with this video, the user, who introduces himself as a real estate agent, he had posted another clip explaining why rents in New York had gotten so expensive in the last months. In their view, it is due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the city’s economy.
A realtor answered why rents in New York are so high
In assisting the tour of the micro-department, another of the points on which the users’ criticisms focused was the fact that the small space promoted by Omer Labock doesn’t have its own bathroom. Those who live here must go out into the corridor of the building to use the toilet and shower in separate spaces shared with the rest of the tenants.
“There is no bathroom in this unit; the toilet is out in the corridor, and not only the toilet, also the shower”, explained the realtor in the video matter-of-factly, without imagining what his video would cause.
Among the comments, some brought up their own complications: “Wow!Between my claustrophobia and stomach issues, I wouldn’t last a night there.!”. While for another user the determination was easy: “No bathroom, no apartment. It’s just an expensive bedroom.” Many others qualified as “scary”, “disgusting” or even “illegal” having to share a bathroom.
Comparisons are said to never be fair, but TikTok users were bound to find parallel stories to this controversial post. “For $2,000 a month, you rent a villa with a pool in my city”; “With that I would rent a large apartment in Mexico City”; “New York is beautiful, but I feel like, unless you have money or 34 roommates, is only suitable for holidays”; “I would call the police every day to complain that the owner is robbing me,” concluded someone else.