Monday 12-26-2022, 16:21 WIB
Arya Baskoro|
An unhealthy lifestyle can certainly make it easier for us to have a stroke.-(Photo/Pixabay/Geralt)-
JAKARTA, DISWAY.ID — Most people today, in fact, still have the thought that the disease Blow it only happens to the elderly.
However, did you know that strokes can affect teenagers even when they are very young?
In fact, there are already many factors that can increase the risk of teenagers having a stroke.
Indeed, this health problem is still very rare for those who are still teenagers, but we must not take it lightly and we must start being aware of it.
In general, people who are around age 65 have a high risk of having a stroke.
Meanwhile, pregnant women and children have a very low risk of having a stroke.
But this small risk doesn’t apply to teenagers, especially if those teenagers live an unhealthy lifestyle.
READ ALSO:I have a mild stroke, one week checkup for using JKN
Causes of stroke teenagers
Until now, there are several things that can cause strokes in teenagers.
There are also some of these causes that are difficult for us to overcome, but we also need to know what are the causes that can cause strokes in teenagers.
Understanding the causes of stroke in adolescents can help prevent these health problems from affecting people we know.
Instead of lingering, we should just jump straight into the discussion of the causes that can cause stroke in teenagers, see explanation: