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he rapes his ex-girlfriend in front of two legislative candidates

The facts take place on the evening of June 5, route de Toulouse. Police officers on patrol see a couple arguing on the sidewalk. They stop. “The lady is in shock. Two women are next. They explain that they are candidates for the next legislative elections, that they wanted to start a conversation when, suddenly, the man grabbed the woman by the neck and violently pushed her away”, indicates the president of the court.

Understanding that something abnormal is happening, Flora Savino and her substitute Fanny Daviaud (candidates without a label) try to intervene. “Don’t leave me alone! begs the passerby, while asking not to call the police, which comes at the right time.

Marks on face and neck

Officers spot marks on the face and neck of the alleged victim. Ali smells strongly of alcohol. Very agitated, he is arrested. In custody, he denies. Heard, his wife says that they are still married, but separated. They had made an appointment for her to pick up their child together. “I was late, it made Ali angry. When the two women approached to talk to us, he couldn’t stand it. It is he who decides everything, ”explains the complainant. Contacted by the investigators, the candidates confirm. “He was very aggressive and violent with the lady. »

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