Home » today » News » “He made fun of the comments on social networks”: the story of the father of the baby killed by his ex-partner | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

“He made fun of the comments on social networks”: the story of the father of the baby killed by his ex-partner | BE Gijón | Today for Today Gijón

The father of murdered baby from 53 stabbed by his mother just after giving birth in her home in Gijón has stated that both they had planned to have one or two children So what he feels guilty for not having been able to avoid the crime.

In the third session of the trial with a jury court that takes place in the Eighth Section of the Provincial Court, in which the accused faces a request for a reviewable permanent prison sentence, the biological father has said that She “never” suspected that her partner might be pregnant.

The day of the events, on August 1, 2019, his partner, with whom he had been in a “normal” relationship for eight years, asked him in a message phone number that when you return from work bought pads because he was leaking. Upon arriving at his home, in the Nuevo Roces neighborhood, the man found blood stains on the floor that the woman attributed to losses due to an ovarian cyst.

According to his testimony he never suspected that his partner was pregnant or thought about the possibility that she was the perpetrator of the crime after hearing the news of the event through the media. The couple lived in an apartment that his parents had given them and they maintained a “normal” relationship in which on more than one occasion they commented to their relatives and friends that they wanted to have one or two children “when the situation allowed it.”

The victim’s father, who was deprived of liberty when he was initially suspected of being an accessory to the crime, has said that This episode “changed his life”, he was subjected to psychological treatment and had to change his address. The defendant, who at the time of the events was 27 years old and pleaded guilty in the first session of the trial, had managed to hide her pregnancy from her partner, family, friends and relatives.

During today’s session they also testified the baby’s grandparents, a neighbor and three friends of the couple who agreed to point out that “at no time” did they assume that she might be pregnant. According to these testimonies, Silvia AM behaved in a normal manner in the days after the body was found a few meters from her building and even went so far as to say that it would be “difficult for” the authors to be discovered. ” The prosecution, Ricardo González, has pointed out that it shows “the coldness with which he planned the crime.”

The day after the murder, the couple had dinner at her in-laws’ home., who at no time had an attitude different from the usual, according to the young man’s parents, and the next day they both went out for drinks with friends to celebrate the birthday of the young man without any of the participants of that meeting noticing “something strange”.

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