After the death of the artist, George Al-Rassi, in a terrible car accident on the road to the factory, his sister Nadine has disappeared from sight, so much so that she is not very present on social media and only seems to express her sadness and her desire. her beloved.
And since Nadine doesn’t answer she calls herself, “The Bell” has contacted her son, Mark Hadchiti, who hasn’t left her for a while since George’s departure..
Mark said his mother suffers from anorexia, as she hasn’t eaten for 8 days after George’s departure and lived on tranquilizers and drugs to help her sleep so she could get over everything that happened to her that day.
As for Nadine’s health, Mark said the shock she received caused her to lose her appetite and stop eating completely, which prompted him to give her doses of vitamins she needs every 3 days and one session. does not exceed two hours..
Mark added that her father suffers from very severe anemia, but these vitamins, which she takes once every 3 days, help her improve her body’s strength even more, especially since her blood pressure also decreases from time to time.
Mark confirmed that Nadine, after taking vitamins under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, her health improved and she began to eat, even in very small quantities, but she does not eat any type of food that George was eating, and she did. not even take a shower the first week after seeing his uncle George in the coffin and him who was in love with the water and the sea.
Mark said Nadine will come back stronger than before.
How did you get the news of George’s death? Mark replied: “My mother had a feeling in her heart a year ago, she was warning George about everything, but a week before my uncle left, my mother was suffering from insomnia and could not sleep, and her heart was making them. bad and he always felt it was his. “
Mark continued: “I was with my mother in Faraya, but at dawn she insisted on coming home and at seven she got a call from a mediator, she didn’t answer at first and called me in the loudest voice, Mark. The car then completely lost his nerves, he could not feel his body and could not walk due to the severity of the trauma he experienced that day. ”