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he kills his partner, mother-in-law and children, then takes his own life- Corriere.it

Nabil Dhahri killed his ex, Elisa Mulas, two children aged 2 and 5 and mother-in-law. He saves an 11-year-old girl, daughter of the woman he had from a previous relationship

The script, after all, is always the same, she who leaves him and he who does not accept it. But in this case the man made a massacre: ex-partner, mother-in-law, two children aged 2 and 5. He killed them all and then stuck a knife in his heart and ended it with himself too. success yesterday afternoon in Sassuolo, in a small apartment in a residential area close to the center, where the woman, Elisa mules, a 44-year-old housewife of Sardinian origins, had moved for a couple of weeks together with her three children. The third, had from a previous relationship, was saved only because she was in school, in class, sixth grade. it was she who sounded the alarm: They didn’t come to get me, I tried to call but no one answers. The uncle, who has the keys to the house, rushed with a couple of policemen to the scene. A horror, they were all between the small corridor and the bedroom, it hit them several times … they had no escape because the house is small and of course there is only one entrance, sighs the investigator who entered that apartment. It is the home of the children’s grandmother, Simonetta, 64, who was also stabbed to death.

The grandmother had welcomed them after the last furious quarrel between her daughter and her partner, Nabil Dhahri, Tunisian, 38 years old, regular
, employee of the Lidl supermarket and father of the last two children of the woman. In recent times their relationship had become very conflicted, so much so that my sister had decided to leave home, but they hadn’t gotten along for a long time, the victim’s brother told investigators. He even threatened her with death and she began to fear the worst. Elisa had played an audio to a friend, Patrizia, in which he tells her he would have killed her if she hadn’t shown him her children. But she allowed him views without any problems … she told me that after this threat she had gone to the police station, says Patrizia. A relationship that has become unbearable.

Elisa she also turned to the anti-violence center of the Municipality of Sassuolo. Given the difficult situation, he had decided to leave the apartment where he had lived with Dhahri for several years together with his three children. At the scene of the massacre the prosecutor Giuseppe Amara, the head of the Mobile Mario Paternoster, the scientific police and also the carabinieri. They must reconstruct the dynamics of the facts. As for the motive, everything seems to have already been written. He did not accept the end of the relationship – says a neighbor -. A few days ago Elisa told me that it was over and that he was not resigning himself. It seems that Dhahri had spent some time in Tunisia and wanted to see the children on his return. Maybe they didn’t understand each other there, for the umpteenth time. He certainly decided on madness. went to the mother-in-law’s house and rushed like a fury on the whole family. The only survivor is an 11-year-old girl who will now have to deal with this abyss.


November 17, 2021 (change November 17, 2021 | 23:54)

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