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he is the only Frenchman to have joined the New York fire department

Laurent Frydlender participated in the search for survivors after the attack on the World Trade Center in 2001. He is the only Frenchman to have joined the prestigious New York City Fire Department (FDNY).

Meusien Laurent Frydlender is the only Frenchman to have joined the prestigious corps of Fire D.apartment from the city from New York (FDNY). It was December 1996. It then had the title “honorary“. In June 2022 on was promote a a degree equivalent to that of colonel in France. It is from now on “head from operations

I lost 17 firefighter friends in the World Trate Center bombing.

Laurent Frydlender, “Chief of Operations” (FDNY)

He is a New York from Thursday 8 September 2022 for the commemorations of 11 September 2001.I lost 17 firefighter friends in the World Trade Center bombing. Since then, I’ve also had a stronger bond with New York City and the Fire Corps. “

“I was in Paris at the time of the 2001 incident. I was cleared to take one of the first flights. I arrived in New York on the morning of September 13. I went to help my friends firefighters for a week at Terra Site Zero. We were looking for survivors. “

“It was a difficult mission. I have not been able to talk about it for four or five years. Every year this period is difficult for me. But it is important for the duty of memory“.

Laurent Fridlenderwho lives between the Meuse and Paris, has been to the United States four or five times a year since he joined the fire department of New York.“In 1996 I met Thomas von Essen (the 29th New York City Fire Marshal is the civic administrator of the city fire department, the FDNY) during a trip between Paris fire brigade and the New York Fire Department. We sympathized. And she asked me to work for him. We became friends. Since then I have been involved in technical and technological exchanges between the city of New York and France. Since 2002 I have represented the New York firefighters at conferences or ceremonies related to the 2001 attacks..

The first time I went to New York I was 10 years old. My dad took my picture on a fire truck

Laurent Frydlender, “Chief of Operations” (FDNY)

Laurent is living a childhood dream come true Fridlender :It is an extreme honor. The first time I went to New York I was 10 years old. My dad took my picture on a fire truck. I never imagined that one day I would join the fire department of this city. I am allowed to wear the suit in the United States and outside. It is extraordinary. The mission is fabulous.

Laurent Frydlender lives several lives in one: business manager, “fire brigade representative” on both sides of the Atlantic, leads many careers in parallel. “I have been a firefighter in France for many years. I am part of it SDIS 55 a bit like an ambassador.

Laurent Fridlender he works for other fire and rescue services in France, a bit like a great fire brigade ambassador.

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