The mother of Shani Louk, the 22-year-old German-Israeli kidnapped by Hamas and recognized in a video in which the terrorists carried her defenseless and half-naked in a jeep, told Dpa that her daughter’s body has not yet been found, but that a fragment of skull bone was recovered and a DNA sample was taken from it. The parents had already provided the necessary comparison material some time ago. The mother assumes that her daughter died already last October 7, the day of the attack.

Shani Louk may have been killed by a blow to the head during the attack. The German Foreign Ministry has reported a total of eight ‘cases’ of German citizens missing and presumably in the hands of Hamas. A ‘case’ could also include several family members. For security reasons, the ministry does not provide the exact number of German hostages.

“Unfortunately yesterday we received the news that my daughter is no longer alive.” So Shani Louk’s mother told Rtl. This is reported by Bild, which also cites a confirmation from the young woman’s sister. In recent weeks it emerged that Shani was still alive but “seriously injured” in a hospital in Gaza. The family had made several appeals for help to the German government.